Critique By:
Daniel Oyola (K:1793)
5/5/2006 9:07:46 PM
Hola Chevue, he visto tus imágenes y son muy buenas, especialmente esta última imágen, me gusta mucho los tonos oscuros que has captado con tu cámara. Gracias or tus comentarios... Saludos, Daniel
Photo By: Chevue Thao
Critique By:
vanessa shakesheff (K:68840)
5/5/2006 11:19:12 AM
Great capture of the waves crashing on to the rocks .like it..nessa
Photo By: Chevue Thao
Critique By:
vanessa shakesheff (K:68840)
5/5/2006 11:18:13 AM
Lovely sunlight and shadows over the landscape .nice colour and tone.nessa
Photo By: Chevue Thao
Critique By:
vanessa shakesheff (K:68840)
5/5/2006 11:16:55 AM
Lovely panoramoc landscape .love the dramatic sky .nessa
Photo By: Chevue Thao
Critique By:
Nicola Barbieri (K:18000)
5/3/2006 8:06:48 PM
Very nice work. Wonderful colors and tones. Good details. Ciao, Nicola
Photo By: Chevue Thao
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
4/3/2006 5:08:57 AM
Hey, welcome to Usefilm Chevue! If this is an example of work to come, I best add you to my associates so I don't miss them. Great panorama and flawless stitching. Postwork looks good to me. Would have done the same to bring out the drama in the sky. Nicely done.
Thanks so much for your comments. It's great getting verbose feedback. Helps me to better understand image effectiveness. Cheers.
Photo By: Chevue Thao