Critique By:
Marian Calago (K:18)
10/28/2008 12:35:05 AM
hi. visit http://mariancalago.blogspot.com
Photo By: Marian Calago
Critique By:
Marian Calago (K:18)
10/28/2008 12:33:49 AM
Hi. visit http://mariancalago.blogspot.com
Photo By: Marian Calago
Critique By:
Marian Calago (K:18)
8/28/2008 4:49:53 AM
tnx for the comment guys.. and thank You Cernan Catig.. sory, its just that i dont have a really gud camera.. i mean... its not digital.. i cant afford to buy a new one.. but.. i would be glad if there is someone who can give me a digital cam.. i mean ur old cameras....if you are not using it anymore..
Photo By: Marian Calago
Critique By:
Cernan Catig (K:2905)
8/27/2008 9:38:01 AM
cebu is so beautiful..too bad that all your shots have poor contrast or a haze on the lens...
Photo By: Marian Calago
Critique By:
Paul Lara (K:88111)
7/24/2008 2:16:31 PM
Nice lines in this photo, but the contrast is WAY too low. :(
Photo By: Marian Calago
Critique By:
Frank Verheij (K:734)
3/8/2007 11:41:11 AM
I see that all your picture have some sort of haze over them. Something wrong with your camera, maybe or with your pc(program)
Photo By: Marian Calago