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Critique By: Ms. Mel Brackstone  (K:5285)  
8/7/2006 11:51:11 PM

I bought the 50mm f/1.4 for the exact same reason, capturing shots like this without having to use flash. Do you have to use ISO 3200 for all your night shots?
        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: carlo raingini  (K:11977)  
8/7/2006 12:54:56 PM

great colors & great series.

        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: carlo raingini  (K:11977)  
8/7/2006 12:53:20 PM

nice angle, great portrait.

        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: carlo raingini  (K:11977)  
8/7/2006 12:50:40 PM

very nice portrait.

        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: özcan çeltikli  (K:3575)  
3/5/2006 7:45:55 PM

human..good bw.beautiful composition.
        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: susana priego  (K:300)  
3/4/2006 11:05:06 PM

        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)  
3/4/2006 10:04:53 PM


Well thanks for your kind words. I'm expecting my first baby in 5 months so I guess I'll realy know what you mean then! The couple did really love their photos though. Take a look at my site if yo uwish - I have put up 9 of their images from the session so yo ucan see how this fits in. here's the link.

Due to shooting hand held and with only natural light I have to uses speeds of around 1/60 - 1/125 as them kiddies always move to quickly for 1/30 or less so shallow DOF is a standard by product when light levels are overcast as they were this day. I also like to shoot at as high ISO as possible because photos are often printed upto 70cm x 50cm (30x20inch). It would have been nice to see a little more DOF perhaps but I don;t think it detracts. It simplly draws your attention fully to the eye in question. I'm amazed how well yo ucan see the window in his eye too - that makes it for me!

So - where is your portfolio? I'd live to add some critiques!

        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: helen grifffin  (K:511)  
3/4/2006 9:37:19 PM

This is a very striking and interesting image.

It's amazing this child is onlly nine weeks old! He has an extremely expresive face and you did a fantastic job of capturing that. And the skin tones also look great. That is something that the parents can really love about this color portrait of their baby. All parents reading this will understand what I mean. Each of our kids has their own colors. And you caught it here. I'm sure it would loook nice in b/w as well, but this is just more tangible. To my personal taste, I would have liked to see the exact same shot, with the all of the face very sharp. (On my monitor, the more distant side looks blurrier). But that's just me. This is beautiful, and the Mom and Dad will treasure it forever.

        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
3/4/2006 6:56:32 PM

so cute! i like expression and focus :-)

(beautiful the window light in the eyes)

        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: Gustavo Scheverin  (K:164501) Donor  
2/22/2006 6:56:22 PM

Encantador retrato.
        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: Hollow Eye  (K:1306)  
1/5/2006 3:41:24 AM

also use a tripod!
        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: Hollow Eye  (K:1306)  
1/5/2006 1:59:11 AM

Hi Matt

a quick one - I'd say it is sharp but because your shooting macro & are so close to the object the DOF is very narrow. It actually looks sharp in the picture but not in the centre where my eye keeps coming back to. Just a matter of either moving the focus point or narrowing your aperture to f16 for example.
        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
1/4/2006 8:28:04 AM

Hi Matt,

Very cool shot, nice, clean and simple. I'd say it'll work well as stock imagery. It looks a tad soft on the focus, though, but that might just be me. Good photo, the very subtle shadow adds just the finishing touch it needs.


        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)  
1/4/2006 8:02:49 AM

Yikes - I would say bollocks!
Interesting points you oumake on clothes - they do indeed detract on many occasions. I was only planning on taing a few shots of her feet then it just turned into a head shot too.
Shooting black and wite as you have do must be the ultimate timeless classic for babies and is definately my preferred option. Getting them with no clothes 2mins before we sat down to dinner was not an option on this occasion I'm affraid!

As for her eye - although I have obviously saturated the image she does have these amazing blue eyes which is probably why they look overdone - just a slight saturation on them works wonders!

Nice shot by the way. That technique holding on the parents arm was on the agenda for me in fact with this same baby at some stage. Just need a warm day!

        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)  
1/4/2006 8:02:48 AM

Yikes - I would say bollocks!
Interesting points you oumake on clothes - they do indeed detract on many occasions. I was only planning on taing a few shots of her feet then it just turned into a head shot too.
Shooting black and wite as you have do must be the ultimate timeless classic for babies and is definately my preferred option. Getting them with no clothes 2mins before we sat down to dinner was not an option on this occasion I'm affraid!

As for her eye - although I have obviously saturated the image she does have these amazing blue eyes which is probably why they look overdone - just a slight saturation on them works wonders!

Nice shot by the way. That technique holding on the parents arm was on the agenda for me in fact with this same baby at some stage. Just need a warm day!

        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)  
1/4/2006 7:38:00 AM

Hey. Odly enough I've just been taking a few more photos - now of some flowers. This isn't sharp you are rght. Not too sure why either? It's shot at 1/60 as I double checked too which is usually ok for my handholding skills but perhaps not in this instance.
As for other shots they were a little more obvious but still reasonable. I'd really like to get a 100mm f2.8 mmacro lens to start nailing these shots a little better. I hate shooting at high ISO's so punish myself and probbaly shoot at too low shutter speed. This being an example.

As you so politely ased I'v attached another shot from the same session. It's is sharp this time - checked that!

Thanks for your comments. Nice to see you about again. I need to pop a few more photos up but have recently just set up my own website and started sooting professionally to try and pay the bills - it keeps me busy and I forget to upload most times.
        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: Hollow Eye  (K:1306)  
1/4/2006 7:07:45 AM

I believe you would say Bollocks
        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: Hollow Eye  (K:1306)  
1/4/2006 7:06:24 AM

Having a two year old boy I have tried all sorts of stuff for photographing him & have taken a few shots of friends babies also. One problem I personally dont like are kids clothes these days as they always have some brand or big pattern/pictures on them. I think it is hard to include these in the photos as I prefer to go for a more timeless shot where 100% of the image is about the child. I find the butterfly thingy distracting in this shot & would have preferred it without. I like toying around with the colours like you have but it is often hard to keep the eyes real & if I do this I often delete out the eye section of an adjustment layer. I have attached two photos below where I was doing something exactly the same as this shot but when I got home & saw one of the shots I thought it was hysterical & still makes me laugh. This is a good friends son & he was after an image similar to some of my son but I tried them in high key due as it was easiest. The first is the final the second is the comic shot
        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: Hollow Eye  (K:1306)  
1/4/2006 6:44:15 AM

It is that time of year again when it is nicer to stay inside than out. Hope you had a good 2005 & 2006 is even better.

This shot doesnt particularly grab me as it seems soft where my eye keeps coming to rest in the centre. I know what the product is from your title but it doesnt convey anything at all to me or make it appealing. It is an abstract shot of a whisk but should it be more to the viewer? what are you trying to do with it? How is this appealing to your male market -are they going to want to buy a whisk or put this on their kitchen wall as a piece of art? I'm sure you could push this idea more. what other images did you get from this session?
        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: Dave Holland  (K:13074)  
1/2/2006 9:47:28 AM

Hey, Matt, long time no see. Some creative images in your portfolio since I last visited. I sure like the framing and unique perspective in this one.
        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: Linda Heitzman  (K:676)  
12/4/2005 6:54:48 PM

Hi Matt-this one too? Love what you'e captured here!

Just let me know! Email me at
        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: Linda Heitzman  (K:676)  
12/4/2005 5:15:29 PM

I'll be able to use the one you have posted here-thank you. Yes, I will send you a book when done.

        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)  
12/1/2005 11:34:05 PM


That's fine by me - Happy to support you. If you send me details of email address etc I'll send you the file.

I am UK based, and would like a copy of the publication it is used in so please confirm you are happy to post this to me.


        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: Linda Heitzman  (K:676)  
12/1/2005 11:16:01 PM

Beauty. Would you like to allow us the use of this photo for our banquet book this year? It's our 20th annual fund-raising dinner banquet, we have program books we give to all of our guests, about 600. You'll get credit on the page the photo is on..and a copy of the banquet book once printed. We did this last year and about 20 members participated.

We are a pregnancy support center. Just let me know!
        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: luisa vassallo  (K:28230)  
11/22/2005 11:03:45 AM

fantastic shot!!!!
        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: Wendle Lesher  (K:140)  
11/22/2005 10:59:51 AM

very nice shot!!!
        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: David Hofmann  (K:22223)  
11/21/2005 3:44:13 AM

very cute photo, I like the high key effect and the composition. But honestly I think the sharpening tone adjustment on the eyes is overdone. The eyes don't look natural any more. just MHO.
        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: Alicia Popp  (K:87532)  
11/21/2005 1:02:22 AM

La ternura hecha foto!!! preciosa!!!
        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: Radim Sobotka  (K:4050)  
11/20/2005 5:51:12 PM

Lovely saturated colors here, a bit high-key technique, I like it.
        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

Critique By: Haifa   (K:1733)  
11/20/2005 2:45:29 AM

So sweet ..
        Photo By: Matt Davis  (K:3935)

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