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Critiques From Sai Siv


Critique By: Sai Siv  (K:-265)  
7/19/2005 5:03:27 PM

I think you can be compared to Michael.

The only difference is the amount of time one spends trying to shoot the image. If you can pull that off in 30 minutes in a tour and Michael waits 5 hours, with a ?medium format?, there is very little difference in skill in my opinion, there is a huge difference in patience and perseverance and discipline, and one has to respect Michael for that.

The truth is I get annoyed by Michael F. While I respect and really do like his photography work, i find the titles of the pieces a bit, well, too much. I don't mean to belittle his work or talent, i am not fond of pop art. Maybe i am jealous. That must be it.
        Photo By: Michael Kanemoto  (K:22115)

Critique By: Sai Siv  (K:-265)  
7/19/2005 3:17:49 PM

love the image and the description. they are at such a counterpoint - one is visually serene and peaceful and zen, the other is well, not.

reminds me of a Michael Fatali piece...
        Photo By: Michael Kanemoto  (K:22115)

Critique By: Sai Siv  (K:-265)  
4/6/2005 4:17:25 AM

Shawn, good ps work lightening the eye area. However, now that i have seen this version, i think i like the original better. (sorry, my fault). With the image lightened up, it becomes apparent that the struggle with the chain has less to do with freedom and more to do with the curious nature of the elephant - he/she has spotted somthing on the ground and it is trying to investigate. That's how I read it, i am sorry for making you waste your time.

~ what does not kill us, only makes us stronger.
        Photo By: Shawn Carter  (K:1301)

Critique By: Sai Siv  (K:-265)  
4/5/2005 4:13:08 AM

Shawn, you have captured this well. The framing is quite good, the strap from the seat and the texture of the skin are great, they add to the turmoil and create that feeling of sympathy. the only area i might try to work on is the eye of the beast. because i can't see the face esp. the eye clearly, i find i look at the poor animal as an object. if you can touch up the levels selectively in that area, may be it will help the viewer identify with the animal more intimately.
        Photo By: Shawn Carter  (K:1301)

Critique By: Sai Siv  (K:-265)  
4/5/2005 2:27:22 AM

what a fantastic shot! i think this is a great way to define Cartier-Bresson's the Decisive Moment

        Photo By: caecilia   (K:64)

Critique By: Sai Siv  (K:-265)  
3/30/2005 6:32:02 AM

Johan - which course do is sign up for to learn to light like this? love the detail on the braid, the lighting works really well on the hair and the very clean seperation from the background is also......sweet!
        Photo By: Johan Sorensen  (K:3449)

Critique By: Sai Siv  (K:-265)  
3/30/2005 6:27:35 AM

love the shot, like the mo-hair like wisps comming off the top of the hat. have you tried to blow out the window line that cuts through the top?
        Photo By: Siddharth Siva  (K:3327)

Critique By: Sai Siv  (K:-265)  
3/30/2005 6:04:59 AM

pawel wonderful. its great on two levels. Lighting and composition and the technical nature. are you using audio triggers?


        Photo By: Pawel Stefaniak  (K:28)

Critique By: Sai Siv  (K:-265)  
3/30/2005 5:59:10 AM

shannon lovely lighting. This works so well in bw. I love the idea of using bw to present object that are ingrained in our senses as being full of colour.


P.S. Thanks for giving me the name of the flower...
        Photo By: Shannon F.  (K:648)

Critique By: Sai Siv  (K:-265)  
3/23/2005 4:41:56 AM

and I had just spent a whole day mowing the lawn...

I had no idea that exploding incendiary devices actually looked like that. I supposed I am thankfully naïve, in the art of war.

Excellent capture, great reportage. Makes me very sad that even with all our progress, humanity needs to resort to this...
        Photo By: Robert Staeck  (K:919)

Critique By: Sai Siv  (K:-265)  
3/23/2005 4:23:48 AM

Marta - well done. I don't know what it is but there is an etheral glow in the image...did you use a bounce card or somthing to balance the light on the model's right side? Her skin looks incrediblly perfect but then i see the lines on her neck, and i am puzzled.

The reflections in her eyes are almost crystal clear, suggesting that the focus is at infinity or pretty far, you have used an 85 mm lens so you are about 2-3 feet to get that frame with the model. the models lip's corner is in focus, as are the eye i have questions... is this image a crop from a bigger frame? or is is post-processed?

        Photo By: Marta Azevedo  (K:4237)

Critique By: Sai Siv  (K:-265)  
2/6/2005 4:17:09 PM

Valerie - wow does this bring back memories for me! Growing up in Nigeria, I spent many late afternoons playing in the sand. I love your Africa pictures. Hope you are enjoying your time there, i imagine you must be to be taking these images...
        Photo By: V@lérie   (K:125)

Critique By: Sai Siv  (K:-265)  
12/15/2004 4:55:27 AM

This is almost there! I think you have the concept dexactly right, you must reshot, it'll be a great stock photo!

Now this is what I'd humbly suggest, given the camera you are shooting with. I like the edge of the window on the right, leave it there. The angle is almost dead on, just needs to be a bit wider so you can see the left side of the bowl. The fish is too dark, if you wantt silhouette - then the fins show be too in shadow as well, but I suggest you get a desk lamp, better if its a halogen lamp and shine it from the top, thru the water, now see if you can get a blue plastic sheet or a mug or something of that sort to shine the light thru, as you don'w want to picture losing the blueish tone, its great. you might have to cut out a hole in a pieve of black cardboard to make sure the light does not spill over the glass and create a horrible shadow on the table surface. you'll have to move the light up and down to get the ratio between the ambient light and the halogen lamp right.. Good luck if you attempt it!

        Photo By: A. A  (K:1987)

Critique By: Sai Siv  (K:-265)  
12/15/2004 2:39:23 AM

really like the composition, light is too harsh on the side of George's head and Natacha's forehead, nose and arms..there seems to be too much of a blowout... but really like the composition. i'd event try to do it horizontal. you could make it look like natacha is holding goerge horizontal to the ground. wow....
        Photo By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)

Critique By: Sai Siv  (K:-265)  
11/29/2004 4:43:41 PM

Rachel - I think this is a magnificient shot. You have a talent for capturing the moment with children that is remarkable.

Have you thought of cloning out the hand? actually now that i've done it i am not so sure...i think i liek the original better....

        Photo By: Rachel Leah  (K:26110)

Critique By: Sai Siv  (K:-265)  
11/19/2004 9:15:49 PM

anne - you are my new high priestess of light! in canada when we were younger we might have exclaimed SWEEEET!!!! i love how the object in her hand (rose?) is a visual exclamation point to the image.
        Photo By: RC. Dany  (K:64104)

Critique By: Sai Siv  (K:-265)  
11/16/2004 2:46:24 PM

I see the sensibilities of Jan Saudek in your picture. I am not sure what the story is - is the accodian player glowing because he is thinking about the lovely scene on the right vs. the cold grey of the room? I feel somehow that the person should have no colour to them - they should be as grey as the room. and may be make the picture on the right a bit bigger, but fade the colours around the inside fringe....

however. Well done!
        Photo By: zet ka  (K:1411)

Critique By: Sai Siv  (K:-265)  
11/14/2004 8:44:20 AM

Lisa well done again.

Sérgio - I am truly impressed you saw the resemblance   - i see the similarities - it is striking,
        Photo By: Lisa B  (K:1011)

Critique By: Sai Siv  (K:-265)  
11/14/2004 8:37:01 AM

Lisa this is well done. The fact that you did this with a cybershot I find even more amazing. Most of us get caught up in the equipment game and kill a concept by trying too hard. In fact i can't imagine how you shot this with the cybershot - i figure you handheld the camera, and you were using natural light?
        Photo By: Lisa B  (K:1011)

Critique By: Sai Siv  (K:-265)  
8/22/2004 6:59:45 PM

not sure about the wall cutting down thru the model's head....good shot, great expression, wish i could see more of the model's face?? excuse the variation - i was curious....
        Photo By: JL Photography  (K:288)

Critique By: Sai Siv  (K:-265)  
4/28/2004 2:04:53 AM

I am not sure if one needs to see this image for more than a moment to remember it for eternity. I am not sure if i would call it an example of the decisive moment. In my interpretation of the decisive moment, there is not doubt what would happen in the next moment after the picture was taken, This one allows me to wonder if the milk is comming off the wagon, or going onto the wagon. And where is he bringing the milk from or taking the milk?

Having been critical of it, i must conceed that i do love it and would be proud to have it as part of my portfolio. Well done.
        Photo By: RC. Dany  (K:64104)


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