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Critiques From Walt McNeil

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Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
2/14/2005 10:43:51 PM

Thanks for your comments, Peter. i think it's rather boring, but I can see Mt Rainier from a dozen different areas if I really try.

Sometimes there are nice clouds that hang around; sometimes the sun is so beautiful and warm.

If I'm really desperate,or bored, i'll hop into my car and drive there for another two dozen views.

Anyway one looks at it' it's a beautiful place to see. It's visible from Seattle and as far south as Southern Washington or perhaps the East, or where ever. Probably one of the mostvisited and photographed areas in Washington state.

        Photo By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
2/12/2005 9:50:17 PM

Thanks for your comments. The beauty(no pun intended)of it all is that the place I took the photograph is only 45 minutes away,so I can co go back and shoot at different times and days.

        Photo By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/31/2005 4:47:32 PM

Thanks for your kind remarks. Unfortunately, this view was still the best part of a hour or so away.
When one reaches the park entrance, there is still a long journey up narrow winding roads, open only, in some parts, from May to late September. during the rest of the year, the roads are closed or chains are required.

However, I have driven all over the Mt Rainier Natl. Park road system, from one end to the other, and using various entrances.
The beauty of Mt Rainier, is that it can be see in a 360 degree circle, no matter where one stands, even from Seattle,which is over 200-300
miles away.

So Washingington state is blessed by several mountains, with Mt Rainier being one of the most visible, and visited,or photographed.
A place of simple or difficult hikes, peaceful lakes and meadows, etc.

So again in answer to your question, I was still quite a ways off, yet was able to see the mountain in glorious visibility, awaitingmy viewing pleasure.

I have many views of different parts of Mt Rainier Natl Park, and can hardly wait tovisit once again.

        Photo By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/20/2005 4:02:57 AM

Thanks for your comments. Yep, i am getting used to using my D70,but have lots to learn to use it correctly.
Now that I am going to school, I don't have much time to go out and shoot.

I also need to learn how to use the D70 so that when I shoot scenics, the pictures can be enlargened to 16x20, if I so desire.

        Photo By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/18/2005 11:54:35 PM

Thanks again my friend. sometimes the simple things make the best pictures. It's only up to us to look and see, then create new visions.

        Photo By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/18/2005 11:52:30 PM

Thanks for your remarks.
While it may look attractive it's a source of bad news for Washington state. This is part of a water supply for the local area; so when the water is down, then it's harder to draw water from the lake.

        Photo By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/16/2005 12:17:17 AM

Thanks for your remarks. I appreciate your time.

        Photo By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/15/2005 7:32:52 PM

Thanks for your comments.

        Photo By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/15/2005 12:17:52 PM

You have a very nice way with your pictures. I admire the way that you photograph these water shots.

Of course, all your other pictures are good too, but I like your ocean shots best.

        Photo By: Chris Hunter  (K:25634)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/15/2005 12:14:19 PM

Beautiful shot. You seem to be doing quite well with your firework shots, this one comes out very nicely.
Showing location, good foreground and nice display of color.
One tip that I heard about shooting fireworks.
Open the lens and then cover it with a hat or some thing; when you see a nice shot or series, take off the cover, add some fireworks, then replace the cover, keeping the lens open.
When you feel like you want to get different pictures, advance the film and do it again.
Pretty soon, you'll have a whole series of great fireworks.

This technique works well with flash-painting also.

        Photo By: Ben Mok  (K:4084)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/15/2005 12:07:41 PM

Hello Antonella. I was looking through your portfolio, and this one caught my eye.
You do night pictures so well; this one has nice color and good foreground.
I'd sure like to have a chance to visit your country and photogaph all the beautiful places.
My wife will be visiting your country this summer but I am attending school so I'll just have to view it from your pictures.

        Photo By: Antonella Nistri  (K:21867)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/15/2005 12:00:59 PM

Hey Pat, I was just browsing through your images and this one caught my eye. Looks cold and deserted; I bet it gets really freezingaround your neighborhood.
I commend you for going out even though the snow and ice are ready to make you wish you were back inside.

Thanks for your support and all your comments.

        Photo By: Patrick Ziegler  (K:21797)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/15/2005 11:55:34 AM

Hi Dave. I was just browsing through your images and this one caught my eye.

It's a beautiful shot, such a beautiful bird; I can't imagine how you managed to find such a one as that for a portrait.

All I see here are the dull brown ones, never a bit of color.

You caught this one well, congratulations.

        Photo By: Dave Stacey  (K:150877) Donor

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/15/2005 11:35:12 AM

Thanks for your comments. This ole lady is a bit pale today, with no clouds visible. In the future, I hope to get a few better shots, with clouds or some late sun on the top, to bring out the view.

        Photo By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/15/2005 4:11:28 AM

Thanks. I'll check into it.

        Photo By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/15/2005 4:10:41 AM

Thanks for your good comments. This mountain never goes away and I'd say that people will still be getting the same shot for quite some time. As long as the weather holds. In the summer, of course, there is much less snow.
        Photo By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/15/2005 4:08:10 AM

I appreciate your comments, Tom. This is an old shot that still endures; if I went back there today, it would probably be still there afterall these years.

        Photo By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/15/2005 4:06:08 AM

Thanks for your remarks. I hope to go back and shoot this scene when the late sun is on the mountain; that will be a much better view.

        Photo By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/15/2005 4:03:17 AM

This is on the way to the mountain; Ican't resist stopping each time I go by this scene to get a fresh look and perhaps a shot.

Thanks again for all your nice remarks.

        Photo By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/15/2005 4:01:25 AM

Thanks for your comments, Dave. This mountain has many good view points; I am constantly finding more.

        Photo By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/15/2005 4:00:01 AM

Very nice shot. Very strong foreground, sharp as a pin and I like the looks of the building.

        Photo By: Bruce Wallace  (K:668)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/15/2005 3:58:16 AM

Thanks for your comments. Although I have been by this road many times, this is the first time I have actually gone down it and saw what it had to offer.

        Photo By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/14/2005 11:59:48 PM

Well, I actually have Photoshop Elements, bought several years ago; but it doesn't havethe capability of interepting RAW.
I was thinking that you meant a copy of an older Photoshop software, such as Photoshop 4 or 5. I don't know if these are still available.
Being as such as I have an older version of Photoshop Elements, I don't know if I want to spend $100 for a newer version.
I also don't know if there is an upgrade to this software.

        Photo By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/14/2005 11:12:06 PM


        Photo By: In Transit  (K:29432)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/14/2005 11:09:57 PM

I'admire your images,and your interesting line of thought. I have never considered buying an older version of Photoshop, but what you say makes a lot of sense, in the light of digital photography.
If you would happen to have a link to the site that you suggest, I would amire in contacting them to see what is available.
I did buy Nikon Capture 4, and also have PhotoImpact 7; but I would be interested in obtaining a better software to work with.

Thanks for all your remarks, and for writing.

        Photo By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/14/2005 11:04:55 PM

Thanks for your comments, Pat. I agree with you and add that if two people were standing in the same spot, with the same camera and film, shooting at the same time, in the same conditions, it's very likely that the images will be different.
It's in the eyes of the photographer, what and how he/she chooses to portray it; it one's own creative vision.
Right now, I enjoy being a photographer,instead of a computer operator; so whatever comes out, is basically what I show, with minor changes to sharpening and size.
Being color(shade) blind, my images may be off from what is the true color or shade of light. But then that is what makes photography so interesting; the individualism and vision of one's interpertation of what is seen and captured through the lens of a camera.

I like your images very much but if I wee in your place, i might look for a different view or time of day, composition or whatever.
Again, thanks for your and all the others comments and remarks on this image, and the others past and future.

        Photo By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/14/2005 10:53:46 PM

Thanks for your remarks.

        Photo By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/11/2005 4:11:48 AM

Thanks for your comments. That's the way I felt when I photographed it. There was a strange light, the sun going down, showing through a light fog, and it was starting also to dark.

I'll be going back, and photographing this scene again from other angles and light conditions, so it's likely that you'll see it again from a different view point.

        Photo By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/11/2005 4:05:37 AM

Thanks for your message, but I prefer my shot.

Your image completely eliminates the mood and the magic light that I found and photogaphed. For example, your image has way too much light, and doesn't resemble the way I saw and photogaphed it.

I try to record the image and keep it the way that I found it, instead of manulipating it on a computer. I shot this image with a D70, in JPEG Fine, not Raw. i don't use Raw, as I don't have the ability to deciper the image, and find that Jpeg Fine does a creditibe job.

The image was meant to show the shadows and deep texture of the stumps in a mud field; my image shows exactly how I saw it and meant it to be.

So thanks for your variant, but I prefer my own.

        Photo By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)

Critique By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)  
1/11/2005 3:44:42 AM

Thanks for your kind words, Peter. I have passed this way many times, yet never felt moved to photograph it.
Yet this time, I felt something special, maybe the light, maybe the way it looked, that I just had to stop and make an effort. What is strange, that as I was photographing this, many cars were going by on the road, without a glance, or perhaps cursing this idiot who was taking some pictures of some dumb stumps.

I look forward to going back, and working the subject; that is toview and photograph it from many angles and light conditions.

What the heck; we're photographers, and it's only time and film, or digital.

And a labor of love!

        Photo By: Walt McNeil  (K:2146)

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