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a. S.
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Uwe B.
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Eb M.
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Mary B.
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Critiques from Aunjerli
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Glamour Portrait (1)

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Portrait (1)

Critiques From Aunjerli Hardy


Critique By: Aunjerli Hardy  (K:37)  
9/20/2005 11:36:41 AM

The entire feel is first class. Harshness of light loses the eyes but the overall mood, capture and framing is very well done.
        Photo By: Kursat Oner  (K:1580)

Critique By: Aunjerli Hardy  (K:37)  
9/20/2005 11:34:16 AM

The shot her is more her face, the upper torso works well, the bra has a few wrinkles so watch that and her tummy tends to protrude and as we all sufer from a poor "greyscale" these days try adding contracst and then softening the face.If the hips are a fraction more to an angle without wrinkling the stomach and her left foot is slightly forward it will raise her bust dimension a fraction and give an S line to the body.

        Photo By: susan darcey  (K:601)

Critique By: Aunjerli Hardy  (K:37)  
9/20/2005 11:29:17 AM

Unfortunately the lense type has broardened her hips, she is a little too full on to you and she is still learning to relax. The light was very unkind at this time.The eyes are deadened in shadow, but you have gone from a field you have worked well in, to a field that requires a lot of patience, and anticipate such reviews.
Please find the model again and shoot her in a relaxed setting with make up and hair,say under a tree. That you use fill flash with for her eyes. Jason you can do far better my friend.
So contact and we will go to work on portraiture if you wish.


        Photo By: Jason Mckeown  (K:22200)


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