Hesham Abouzekry
{K:15927} 4/25/2006
more of great capture. more of wonderful information. BRAVO. H.A
Erik Neldner
{K:10846} 4/21/2006
wow. nicely done vision of a familiar icon. erik
Khaled Mursi Hammoud
{K:54005} 4/10/2006
Very nice orange and blue tones... excellent perspective and the angle adds to the pride of the Pharoe... Very informtainve about too, thanx for sharing Christian, Khaled.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 4/9/2006
very nice composition, great colors and perfect exposure, very well done.
Yahya El Hosafy
{K:8369} 4/9/2006
very nice view, the composition is very well arranged and balanced, the colors also are very well saturated. i like the use of a large f number. well done.
George Marks
{K:15437} 4/8/2006
A superb photograph. It seems to me that using film gives a much better rendition of texture, particularly on stone where the surface is not perfectly smoothe. I've never used this particular film, but after looking at the results you are getting, I think I'll give it a try.
Christian Stocker
{K:3143} 4/8/2006
Hi Renzo, thanks for your comment. About the camera I would sell the F5 and keep the F4. I'm very pleased with my F6, it's a very nice camera, solid andwith a very good exposure meter and not as heavy as the F5. I also use a F100 and this is more similar to F5. Hope this will help.
Regards, Christian
Renzo Nuņez Melgar
{K:409} 4/8/2006
Hi Christian...
like a lot the perspective and the warm light, very nice shot... can u give and advice ?...im a nikonian user...have F4 and F5...( and love film )...if you were to sell one of them...which one it will be ?...the F6 is that good ???... thanks Renzo N. M.
Marco Federici
{K:1686} 4/8/2006
A beautiful photo!