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Along the Fence
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Image Title:  Along the Fence
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 By: Susie OConnor  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Susie OConnor  Susie OConnor {Karma:34798}
Project #20 Classic Landscape Camera Model Canon Digital Rebel
Categories Florals
Film Format Digital JPEG High
Portfolio Flowers
Lens 28-135mm
Uploaded 4/17/2006 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 612 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 44 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City - 
State -  WA
Country - United States   United States
About Kathy and I visited the Tulip Festival last've probably seen some of her nice captures already.
This one was taken in Roosengard Gardens, a popular tourist attraction.
I felt fortunate to get a shot without people in it because it was just teaming with folks enjoying the flowers! :o)
This is one of the first shots I've taken in total manual mode. What fun!
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There are 44 Comments in 1 Pages
j esford j esford   {K:13518} 4/26/2006
Very beautiful shot Susie! Reminiscent of a Monet painting. When I lowered the horizon to the top of the fence, and cropped out the background buildings, my focus was REALLY REALLY drawn into the colors of those beds of flowers! I like it.


Trish McCoy Trish McCoy   {K:15897} 4/23/2006
Like a painting. gorgeous.


hdw Photography hdw Photography   {K:6630} 4/23/2006
Great shot Susie...and so the rest Ive missed out on...some catching up 2
Best wishes


Rashed Abdulla Rashed Abdulla   {K:163889} 4/23/2006
what a beautiful image, perfect DOF, wonderful sharpness and colors, I did enjoy a lot viewing this work , all of the best my friend


Debasish Ghosh Debasish Ghosh   {K:5526} 4/20/2006
Excellent composition with the fence and lovely saturated colours. You have truely captured the mood of the festival.
Best wishes.


pan g. pan g.   {K:16899} 4/19/2006
Wonderfull composition and so many wonderfull colours too. Excellent well done!


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 4/19/2006
Precioso lugar.


vanessa shakesheff vanessa shakesheff   {K:68840} 4/18/2006
Wow the colours really stand out ,lovely scene all those wonderful flowers.hope you had a nice easter ,sorry i am behind with all my comments.nessa


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 4/18/2006
love the colors.. looks like spring for sure.. nice work


Yoshiyuki Tanaka Yoshiyuki Tanaka   {K:13580} 4/18/2006
Quite an original composition, Susie! the fence is giving more perspective and leading the eye!


Kelly Duntley Kelly Duntley   {K:13889} 4/18/2006
What awsome colors and textures there are in this picture. The lighing is great. Very pretty. Has a painterly effect with all the saturation.


Christian Miller   {K:988} 4/18/2006
I love the perspective provided "along the fence". Terrific sharpness and colors. - Christian


Ahmed Ismail Ahmed Ismail   {K:19853} 4/17/2006
wow...what a pleasant shot!! Beautiful colors!! Lovely!!


Pat Snelling Weiner   {K:1920} 4/17/2006
What a beautiful bunch of tulips, and the moss on the fence really sets it all off....Great One :) Pat


Giuseppe Guadagno Giuseppe Guadagno   {K:34002} 4/17/2006
A feast of colors Susie. I like the angle and the deep composition and even more the tones of the fence and the trees. You have opened the shades beautifully.



selami Torun   {K:9397} 4/17/2006
very great capture, wonderful details, contrast and colors Susie !!!!
very, very nice. Congratulations!
my best regards


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/17/2006
Nice job dear! Great details and so beautiful colors! Lovely perspective and wonderful cropping! Perfect dear, excellent!


Mahamed Ariffin   {K:7114} 4/17/2006
This is what I would call a colour photo! Very colourful and nicely composed.

Since it was taken in full manual mode, I wish you'd tell us the aperture & shutter speed used to capture this fine image.


Roberto Okamura   {K:22851} 4/17/2006
Very beautiful landscape Susie!
Lovely colors and perspective!


Ali Naghizadeh Ali Naghizadeh   {K:19600} 4/17/2006
Hi Susie.. What a fantastic shot.. There are two thing that make this shot great.. First the fantastic composition and then the awesome colors.. Umm I just noticed that the exposure is more than just great too... Well done dear Susie..

My best regards,


stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 4/17/2006
Bus loads of colours and interesting details in this gorgeous composition my dear Susie. I love the fence and it's wonderful detail and texture and that of the silver birches (I think they're silver birches). Weren't you lucky in getting a moment without other visitors intruding or was Kathy threatening them just out of shot for you:):):) Well done to you sweetie a truly beautiful scenario. My very best wishes to you as always...Ray


Marcus Armani Marcus Armani   {K:36599} 4/17/2006
wow what a beautiful scene, the colors are stunning, I like the perspective along the fence, very nice lighting and detail. excellent...


Mary Slade   {K:40338} 4/17/2006
Brilliant picture Susie- overwhelmingly uplifting! I really like the tree bark and the angle in it.


Ann  Van Breemen   {K:13399} 4/17/2006
Beautiful colours, Susie. You've done very well. The exposure is spot on. I love that old fence. I hope you took some closeups of that, too. Thanks for your comments on my pics. Cheers, Ann.


Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 4/17/2006
What a picturesque photograph with full of colourful
details. The colours and feeling are so nice & great.
Really springtime composition, looks like an old impressionist
painting, very attractive shot. Excellent wotk my dear friend.

Have a nice day dear Susie!


Markus Scholz Markus Scholz   {K:23722} 4/17/2006
What fun and what reward, Susie. A painting of timeless quality. Wonderful and magic. Congratulations!



Yahya El Hosafy Yahya El Hosafy   {K:8369} 4/17/2006
what a fence Susie, what a fence :)
i would like to have one like this someday :)
congrats for the manual mode, u should keep it that way, full control over every little detail :)
the photo is well composed, saturated and exposed.
welcome back and wish you nice holidays.
have a nice time.


Jim Budrakey Jim Budrakey   {K:24393} 4/17/2006
Nice composition. Looks like you are getting the hang of the manual mode. I love the colors and how the line of flowers seems to go on forever. Very nice work indeed.


1301307 60 1301307 60   {K:44058} 4/17/2006
The first attraction to me were the lovely colors of the tulip, The composition is really good, the fence is the real subject. The different colors enhances the the beauty of this fence, I love that fence. It starts at he bottom of the right and ends at top left, great composition! good cropping too.
congrats for this wonderful image! cheers!


Gorilla  K Gorilla  K   {K:17526} 4/17/2006
wath a great scene and the composition is great, too!...very beautiful colors and contrast...beautiful image,Susie!!!



Tracey Main Tracey Main   {K:7290} 4/17/2006
Very rare to get a photo at these festivals without people flocking in front of the camera you were lucky and what a great post its a beautiful fence and I love tulips great capture Susie..


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 4/17/2006
I'm glad you are experimenting with manual mode. It's nice to feel in "hands on" control of your pictures, isn't it! I personally find the reds and pinks a little over-the-top. But although many photos posted at Usefilm make me feel this, I seldom say so, because the answer is so often "but that's how I remember the colours." And you can't really quarrel with that. The gentler colours of "Oh That Tongue" are more to my personal taste...


Steve Aronoff Steve Aronoff   {K:18393} 4/17/2006
This is truly lovely, Susie. We took our cousin from Tasmania to the tulip fields during her all-too-short four day visit, but it was a week too early. I'm glad you got down there.


Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 4/17/2006
Hi Susie,

Beautiful colors, very pleasing to view. Even the fence has some pretty colors growing on it!



SAM    {K:1503} 4/17/2006
Susie, this is a great shot. I had to enlarge it to get a better view, because I thought my eyes were going a bit bad. it has the look of a painting, and I thought the red tulips had a special effect of popping out at me (lol). Very cool, Susie.
Nice eye ='s nice work. Happy Bunny Day :).



Alicia Popp   {K:87532} 4/17/2006
Estupenda y colorida imagen Susie, un lugar para quedarse a gozar , deleite para los sentidos y el alma. Felicitaciones por tan bella captura!!!


DELETE ACCOUNT   {K:5655} 4/17/2006
Nicely captured. All of the colors appear natural and you found a good angle for this shot. Nice work.


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 4/17/2006
Hi Susie,
Well, you couldn't ask for a better situation to have those great rich colours blasting out of the image. The flowers, moss covered fence, trees and grass are all doing their best to compete for our attention. But, they don't seem to get in eachother's way. I realize some of this is due to the beautiful professional landscaping, but you did a great job with your manual settings as well.


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 4/17/2006
Such aa beautiful area. almost looks like a painting. Don.


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 4/17/2006
hi ya, brimming with color!...your post-process work gives that 3-D look,Susie...nice perspective and like the textures,especially of the rough hewn wood fence...regards,gayle
(when you get the chance,be sure to drop by to see my Easter greeting to all of you...)


Kathy Hillard Kathy Hillard   {K:25721} 4/17/2006
Okay, Sissy...this one really looks like a painting! I really like the colors and the contrast! Is that what happens when the exposure is right ;0 ???
Very nice...I like it!


Kambiz K Kambiz K   {K:37420} 4/17/2006
lovely well composed with happy colorful patch of land
It should win one of those UF trophy
I nominate it!


Laura Haw Laura Haw   {K:2696} 4/17/2006
beautiful colours and I love the perspective. great image Susie.



Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 4/17/2006
Great job Susie...the color and detail are spectacular! It doesn't get any Springier (is that a word?) than this!!!
Take care...Robin




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