John Segon-Fisher
{K:2580} 6/1/2006
Excellent composition Dino - simply outstanding!
Mirko Nardecchia
{K:486} 5/24/2006
Non avevo mai visto le tue foto, questa serie basata sulel simmetrie è davvero favolosa! :) Ciao!
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 4/29/2006
questa me l'ero persa..le riflessioni degli alberi sono stupende sembra inchiostro che si scioglie nell'acqua! grande Dino ciaoo
Czeslav Gavinkovski
{K:6800} 4/22/2006
very interesting.Great work. Czeslaw.
Photos are emotions
{K:0} 4/21/2006
Bella dino, eseguita con il rigore che ti contraddistingue e giocata con maestria sul grafismo che spesso ami e magistralmente interpreti ed esaltata dalll forte contrasto tonale
probabilmente non ti era possibile ma, a mio vedere, avrei dato un minimo di respiro in più alle cime degli alberi
congratulazioni ciao p.a.e.
Kambiz K
{K:37420} 4/21/2006
very interesting tones
giovanni guido marchi
{K:27040} 4/21/2006
un'immagine dallo squisito sapore pittorico,composta allo stato dell'arte!!!!! bravo e ciao
a. gianfranco baccelli
{K:21379} 4/21/2006
Molto bella, Dino! Spettacolare... BN, geometria e riflesso notevoli.
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 4/20/2006
Excellent B&W composition , very well taken.
Giuseppe Guadagno
{K:34002} 4/20/2006
Riflessi in uno specchio! Splendida come sempre.
Magali De La Cruz
{K:5775} 4/20/2006
Great reflections and fantastic composition. Excellent execution. hugs. M.
Le Loucos
{K:1352} 4/20/2006
Beautiful symmetry which is not one.
Roland Lacson
{K:12214} 4/20/2006
Outstanding composition (Bellisima)! This image definitely merits an award & a fine work of art. The near lithographic result on the trees is what grabbed my attention. Beautiful image Dino, well seen & taken, ciao.
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 4/20/2006
Interesting & creative form you have seen. good contrast!
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 4/20/2006
stunning tones. marvelous composition.
Dino Lupani
{K:15142} 4/20/2006
Ciao Michi, è la Lomellina, zona di confine tra Piemonte e Lombardia. Ciao e grazie per la visita
Pablo Dylan
{K:63918} 4/20/2006
Grande suggestione in questa fotografia fatta di sola luce. Pablo
Michi Reubi
{K:152} 4/20/2006
Va bene? Very nice!Wher in italy is this?
Manuel Ferreira Chaves
{K:-53} 4/20/2006
Hi Dino! Just... Congratulations!!! I have just gone through your pictures and find them great! All the best! M
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 4/20/2006
Gorgeous graphic! Nice shot and work
Leo Régnier Я£
{K:67696} 4/20/2006
Very nice one Dino, congratulations!!! A have a similar one, take a look... Leo
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 4/20/2006
A unique capture Dino . . . my eye seems to be drawn to the light gray areas behind the dark silhouettes.
Regards, Doyle I <-----
Mohammad Porooshani
{K:20765} 4/20/2006
It must win a prize because it worth, I love the reflection which is not exactle the same as the origin, and the grain in the water side, really simple composition, lovely mono tone. Well done to you, Best Wishes, Mohammad