Bill Ciavarra
{K:10216} 8/16/2006
Hi Carlen, Just a suggestion, my eye seems to fight between the swing and the blue lifeguard stand...and a bit tilted. Bill
Mary Slade
{K:40338} 8/15/2006
Great scene- I want to be in that seat! It is so peaceful, and again the angle you take it from brilliant- so full.
Jim Goldstein
{K:21230} 8/15/2006
Carlen good eye to see this as a photographic subject. A couple of recommendations if you're open to them.
1. When shooting on the beach always reference the horizon when leveling your shot. Human nature is to level ones camera to the subject and that is often in error. I have to consciously think about this every time I'm out on the beach myself.
2. As best as you can see how you can isolate your subject. The sing although place very well compositionally is fighting to be distinguished from background elements. Sometimes you can move around and have your subject block background elements and sometimes at the beach you can kneel down and use the sand to block certain elements. Its part of the challenge I suppose.
3. On the theme of #2 experiment with different perspectives... high or low. An image taken from a normal standing position can be nice but the alternate perspective can add impact.
4. Use lighting to our advantage. Photography is all about lighting. As you look at images here and else where think about the lighting and what it did to transform the scene. The light here is nice, but is there another time of day that would illuminate your subject in an even more dramatic fashion?
I hope these points help you out in future work. I can tell you've got a lot of great images to post in the future for us.
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 8/15/2006
Nice Carlen . . . very well composed and an image that really sets the mood for the place. Certainly agree with the sentiment that places with fewer people seem more serene . . . There is a slight tilt (as mentioned by Shirley) but very slight. It's not nearly as problematic as the focal softness. Ideally . . . a sharper focus . . . at least on the swing . . . would have really added some impact to this shot (IMO).
That being said . . . I will also point out it was a good eye that found this scene and composed it quite well! Very nice and much better than the average person would have done . . . I think you're getting better and better at this . . . at least the shots seem more interesting and manage to convey some feeling for the place. Tranquility . . . and peace . . . you can feel it just by looking at your picture. Hope it's not too hot for you there!
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Juan Gonzalo Marcano Prieto
{K:14254} 8/15/2006
bella playa, muy tranquila en comparacion a las playas de aqui de la isla, una buena composicion, excelente
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 8/15/2006
fine photo!
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174145} 8/15/2006
This also needs a slight tilt correction...nice composition.
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 8/15/2006
Amen to that! I love everywhere before the world of people get up ! I like people but I guess I am a bit picky... if they were happy and greatful like you sound I would be happy to see them too... One thing I do notice Carlen... if you sharpen your images just a tad they would be more attractive because you do take intersting and good pix's . . . Viewing them thumnail size needs maybe a one + up ....? Regardless keep on shooting you are good. Michele~
Leo Régnier Я£
{K:67696} 8/15/2006
Very nice picture my friend!! Congratulations!! :-)) Leo