marco ds
{K:6335} 3/19/2007
Thanks Elisa! Ciao
{K:26787} 3/19/2007
Great use of clouds in the composing; magnificent work, Marco!
marco ds
{K:6335} 10/10/2006
Thank you very much, Pillegaard! Ciao,
marco ds
{K:6335} 10/10/2006
Grazie Alberto! Saluti
Erland Pillegaard
{K:34147} 10/9/2006
Nice picture erland
a. gianfranco baccelli
{K:21379} 10/9/2006
Bella! L'uccello sembra scappare... La nuvola porta l'autunno.
marco ds
{K:6335} 10/9/2006
Thank you very much, Aykaan! Ciao,
marco ds
{K:6335} 10/9/2006
Thank you very much, jacques! Ciao, Marco
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 10/9/2006
great clouds and contrast, very nicely done.
Aykaan K
{K:13601} 10/9/2006
excellente vue.. très belle photo.. félicitations...
marco ds
{K:6335} 10/9/2006
Thank you very much, Bin! Thank you for your suggestion too, it's always interesting to compare different way to see a photo... Nice suggestion. Ciao!
Bin Jarsh
{K:674} 10/9/2006
this is an amaing shot i like really like the clouds
i hope u did not mind cuz i played with it