City - San Jose State - CALIFORNIA Country - United States
Yes, I agree, maybe not good enough name, -"Passion" - what else? I open competition for The Best Name. Then, togethe we will choose the best. Thank you very much, dear friends. Lena
Yes, I agree, maybe not good enough name, -"Passion" - what else? I open competition for The Best Name. Then, togethe we will choose the best. Thank you very much, dear friend. Lena
Lena, Privet, rada snova uvidet' tvoy snimok. Konechno, ne "tenderness" a kak minimum "passion", mozhno i tochnee slovo podobrat', no wse ravno ochen' zarazitelno, hochetsya sebya w takom poryve osschutit'. Dalneyschih uspechow i poobsschaysya so mnoy po telefonu w luboye wremya dnya ili nochi
Francisco, thanks for your comment. Yes, it was a Party, event on Dance Spectrum Club. Backgroung was not too good, and I took it off, this photo was prepared for dancer next Show Flyer. Thank you again, Lena
That serpentine curve in her back is really sexy with the way the light falls on it. I had to look at it a few times to determine whether it was real or not. Also, her hair is perfect. Nice powerful shot.
Now, I don't see any tenderness here, I perceive here one of the peaks of a passionate tango dance. Look at the tension of his muscles and the strain of her pose. I would love to photograph such an event.