Chris M.
{K:2073} 5/13/2004
Hi Claudio!
>Between 3 days I put in my Usefilm some IR photo
Mmh, so far I couldn't find one. I think you ment ... "Between 3 days I WILL put in my Usefilm some IR photo" ... right?
claudio amato
{K:-66} 5/13/2004
thank you Chris!Between 3 days I put in my Usefilm some IR photo and I hope you'll comment my work.Bye,bye...Claudio
Chris M.
{K:2073} 5/7/2004
Hi again Claudio,
now I know, why you have problems. I know a german female, who uses the 828 and she was heavily cursing, because it is very difficult to get custom white balance to work correctly in IR. She told me, that the custom WB works nice in usual color photography, but when she tries it with the R72 screwed on, it doesn't work right. I gave her the tip to try RAW. I always shoot with auto WB in RAW format and set the custom white point, while converting to TIFF ... so far I didn't get a response, if this is possible with the 828's RAW image converter software. I hope this is the solution to this problem.
Happy Testing
claudio amato
{K:-66} 5/7/2004
SHANTI21.@katamail.com (no "katamil",i'm sorry)
claudio amato
{K:-66} 5/7/2004
My camera is SONY F828 and my filter is HOYA R72.Waiting your reply,thank you from Italy (Roma)
Chris M.
{K:2073} 5/7/2004
Thanks Claudio!
To achive similar results, it is very important to use custom white balance. The source image should look like my "The Styx" or "Holiday on Mars", which you'll find in my portfolio, too. I'll drop you a mail to further discuss this, because I'll need info about your cam and filter to help you.
Greetings from Germany
claudio amato
{K:-66} 5/7/2004
Your IR photos are the best of the best,because the green colour became white and the others colours are unchanged.I try to do like you changing red and blu channel,but with-out a good result!Can you tell me what I have to do!Thank you 1000 times...(SHANTI21@katamil.com)
Nicole Marcisz
{K:10268} 1/1/2004
Great work!
Kaj Nielsen
{K:15279} 5/5/2003
excellent IR composition, good perspective. Regards Kaj Nielsen
Alex Uchôa
{K:18547} 5/4/2003
Fantastic effect, Mr. Infrared. :-).
Edeltraud Vinckx
{K:5559} 5/4/2003
excellent IR composition, fine mood
Murat Baysan
{K:1947} 5/2/2003
Excellent work great perfpective. (My works old tramway is not tilted maybe 0.5 degree left. This square top of the hill IMO color version not impressive) thanks for your comments and visit regards murat
Jean Luc LERY
{K:4975} 5/1/2003
Hi Chris! Excellent IR tones.Very nice perspective. Thanks for all your constructive comments. Friendly Jluc
evangelia g
{K:2283} 5/1/2003
great photo, great composition.very nicely done chris. evangelia
edmond lisy
{K:10311} 5/1/2003
Very good perspective !!
Zacarias Mata
{K:359} 5/1/2003
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 5/1/2003
Well done, good perspective ! Have a look at mine too ;-) regards, Peter
Hassan Nemer
{K:1737} 5/1/2003
WoW Nice Shot Chris .
with our best wishes and regards from Hassan Nemer
Aguinaldo Vera-Cruz
{K:326} 5/1/2003
A wonderful IR transformation ! Another great photo !
- simos -
{K:9354} 5/1/2003
Great perspective! regards, simo
Erkan Gokce
{K:1414} 5/1/2003
Interesting colors and nice perspective!! congrats!!
Antonio Martins
{K:401} 5/1/2003
Nice picture.