Mehul Chimthankar
{K:18655} 3/5/2008
Hi Paul,
Awesome work !
Makes me feel like an ant
fokstrot .
{K:6560} 4/24/2007
Your portfolio is really outstanding. Great macro works. I like them all!
Albert Jacobs
{K:9527} 4/20/2007
Wooooww Paul,
Fabulous shot !!! The composition, colors, the use of DOF, they all fit so well together here, splendid and very attractive view. You have a wonderful portfolio, that I shall visit more often in the future. I specially like your perfect florals. Great work. Keep on surprising us and compliments !
Friendly greetz, Albert Jacobs :)
Joggie van Staden
{K:41700} 4/19/2007
Simply beautiful Paul - Love it! Joggie
Paul Heijmink
{K:1101} 4/16/2007
Dag Peter, Ik kan je adviseren om naar de buurt van Schoorl te gaan (Noord-Holland). Het gebied heet De Zijpe. vr.gr. Paul
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174145} 4/16/2007
This is a masterpiece, Paul...deserves an award! Definitely a Favorite for me.:)
Sandra Anderson
{K:5837} 4/15/2007
Fantastic shot Paul! The detail is awesome...how something so simple can be so complex is amazing..
Hussam AL_ Khoder
{K:79545} 4/15/2007
WoooW 7+++++
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 4/15/2007
Knap werk hoor !!
PS Zou je mij kunnen adviseren waar mooie tulpenvelden te vinden zijn ? (of andere bloemsoorten die in leuke patronen staan ..) Ik zou komende zaterdag of zondag een dagje naar Nederland willen trekken, maar zou graag vooraf een paar punten weten waar je foto's kunt maken .. hoe kleurrijker, hoe liever .. mij interesseren dus ook de patronen in de velden, dus als je ergens vanop een zekere hoogte kunt kijken, dan is dat meegenomen !
Thx, PEter
John Hatz
{K:156973} 4/15/2007
Fantastic, great pop up into the blurness of the petals, absolutely stunning macro, congratulations!!!!!!!
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 4/15/2007
Very well done macro, Paul! Excellent colour and detail! Dave.
Paul Heijmink
{K:1101} 4/15/2007
Thank you Nikki for your nice words. I use the Canon MP65 macrolens with a macro-flash. Because there is no background within one meter, the background turns out black. I mostly turn the flowers untill there are no (disturbing)objects in sight. A bit my style anyway.
regards, Paul
Petal Wijnen
{K:50989} 4/15/2007
Superb macro!! Fantastic details, wonderful DOF, colors and composition... great job!!! Heel mooie macro, tjonge wat een vergroting/details... klasse!!
D. & Go
{K:612} 4/15/2007
hi Paul, fantastic colors & macro, D.& Go
Nikki Lively
{K:166} 4/15/2007
Absolutely beautiful? May I ask, how do you get the black background? I'm guessing you use a macro lens.