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My mother's Eternal Resting Place at the Lakewood Cemetery.
I lost my beautiful mother, my rock, my advisor and my best friend. She was my energy and my motivator.
She was ill for only 4 months in and out of Hospitals. She was diagnosed with a rare blood disease named Multiple Myeloma/amyloidosis with cardiomyopathy (cardiac amyloidosis) in September 2006 at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.
In the early morning of April 11, 2007, when she passed away she had a beautiful smile on her mouth and face. She looked so comfortable and heavenly beautiful.
She was a World Historian. She was full of passion for history. A true history buff. She also enjoyed cooking (she was truly the best cook), traveling, socializing with friends and family, and she loved poetry (she knew the Divan of Hafez, and the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, and so many other great ones like the Bostan & the Gulistan of Saadi, and the Shahnameh of Ferdowsi by heart). She Knew the holy book Quran in its original Arabic language by heart. She was proud of her mother land, Iran, her heritage, and the Persian history. She was the purest of pures. And she made me proud each and every time. She was the best mother a child could ask for. A queen she was- full of wit, grace and love.
I could imagin myself walking in my old ages with my mother holding her hand in mine. She was so beautiful and elegant...she was the best in everything which is best. Her faith and love in God was so deep, and she taught me to have faith in God, she taught me how to do my daily prayers and she taught me humanity and humility. She taught me respect for people and things, and she taught me bravery. She had the best and kindest heart and mind. She was full of energy, love and life and stamina. She had the best laugh sound. She loved people and there were several great people that she had great admiration for. She loved Thomas Edison alot (I do too) :), and so many other great men and women leaders who lived or are living among us. She was genuine to herself, others, and to her/our God. She was perfect in every way. I miss the sound of her voice, and I miss the sound of her prayers. And I miss her juicy kisses on my face. I miss her so much...there isn't a micro second that I don't miss her. It is not easy. She was very important. She was my mother and I believe that heaven is under her feet now. I only wished everybody could have met and knew my mom. There aren't many women like her in this World. She was an outstanding human being and a humanitarian.
I can't believe she's gone. One day she is healthy and running around like a little girl and then the next day they tell you she has only few months to live and then she is gone. It is too much to take. A big part of me died on the day I lost my mother.
I was so blessed, privileged, and honored by our God to have her as my mother and my best friend as I knew her and as she was.
Mom's first name "Gohartaj" means "Crown Jewel" in Persian language and she was given this name by King Reza Shah the Great's recommendation to her father Mehdi Shakibaian (my grandpa) when he made an official visit to the town where my grandpa was working as a high level Custom Official in Iran. The story behind her first name is a lovely one.
Mom is survived by her husband (my dad), her six children, her ten grandchildren, her one brother and her two sisters. I love you so much mommy. You made me proud mom and I hope I make you proud of me mom for as long as I am alive. What am I going to do without you mom on mother's day(s)? I miss you so much, Momma- to the last breath that I will take I will be missing you mom! God bless, God bless, May God bless you. Ask God to give us peace and patience please. And please be there with the angels to receive me when my time comes to go. Amen.
Your proud daughter Mitra Nademi-Nassari.
Friends Please say a prayer for my mother whenever you come to this site. Thank you, and God bless you, all!
"They are not dead who live in the hearts they leave behind." - Tuscarora
Thank you so much dear Eric for your time and very thoughtful comment. I had the best mother a child could have asked for. I see her in my dreams quite often and it makes my day when I do. I am so proud to had her as my mother and she will live forever for as long as I and my other siblings are alive. May God bless you and yours dear Eric. You have so much beautiful and lovely photos in your portfolio and I like them a lot. All the best to you always. Kind regards, Mitra
My dear Ali, hi. I just got home from work when I just finished reading your comment in tears. How can I thank you enough your words of wisdom? Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for your time and your deep thoughts. Thank you for your prayers. My thoughts and prayers are with you too my friend. May God bless your grandma's soul. May God bless you and yours. Yes, our cultures share a lots of similarities which is so nice. :) I remember when mom was talking about president Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his friendship with King Reza Shah the Great, the legacy he left behind "peace at home, peace in the world", and Turkey's good relationship with Iran. Mom was very found of him when she spoke of him.
I am so happy to see that you like Mawlānā Jalāl-ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī. I love his poetry and I enjoy it very much too so as did mom.
Thank you again Ali for your kindness and frienship. You may write me anytime too here or at
Have a wonderful weekend. With warmest regards and gratitude , Mitra
Dear Mitra ! I dont know how many times I read your letter to your mom Gohartaj. Now I am crying. Yes Crying is Nice. Salty Drops will irrigate to your moms-love field in your soul and your brain. Will never dry it. Will the flower everytime. In the nature nothing disapear, everything lives but in the different forms. For example; Before making a spaghetti you are filling a water in to the casserole. But water level is reducing before filling a spaghettis in the boiling water. Did you ask your self where is the rest of the water ??. Rest of water now is vapour in everywhere. Can you see it ?. Can you feel it ? No. But you know. Water continue to exist in the form of steam. The dead also like vapour. When the bell rings we are living our bodys. In soufism we are beleiving that our body is a grave. When we die we will take our liberty. Our souls will be free. I understand very well your pain. Touching, speaking, seeing; those are the commands, pokes, needs of our EGO thats we are driven by. Humans are not able to understand or love without five sentiments. But imagine that we have another sentiments. Dont forget your mom Gohartaj pointed to you a magic word "FAITH". I beleive she didnt die. The ART of mom Gohartaj is MITRA. She made a very nice and deep trace to this world. Now is the time of guard. You will continue to walk in the same trace for extending and for lighting others with your humanity teached by your mom Gohartaj. My opinion your mom Gohartaj is a wisewoman. Because she read all of her life as the Quran begins with this order. Before reading your letter. I always imagine that I am a single boy had unique stories with his grandmama.I Now crying again. Because I have so many common points with you. When I was child, usually I was sleeping with my grandmam. Usually before sleeping we was praying together. She teached to me how I must pray in arab. At the end of pray; you know usually, we asking good health, good jobs, and the "FATIHA" sura. At least grandmom was asking to me. "Tell me little ALI, what was a nome of a gentleman who invented the electricity and the lamp". And the little ALI was answering "Thomas EDISON grandmom". During her life she pray everytime for Mr.EDISON. Because when she is a little girl she was reading the books and Quran with the candle light. Mr.EDISON was not a simple engineer for her. He is the most smart man or real magician who made a unique invention for the humanity. I dont know, may be for that reason I studie Electronics Engineering. Yes really; when we are child we are taking a photographs from our parents, neighbours, environments. Those are the portraits, cultural informations, relations, noblesse, elegancy. And our child souls are collecting everything for producing later our characters. Yes we are the new intersections and combinations of our past. Yes you are very very naive. Same as you my grandmom was reading to me Omar Hayyam Rubaiyyat, Sadi s Gulistan or Shahname or Mevlana Celaddin Roumi or Tebrisi or Attar. Is it possible dont be a naive or sensitive for the humanity after that books ?? . Yes I understand you very well. Because our culture so close or mixed. we was studying IRAN Litterature in the high school. It was a normal part of Turkish Litterature. I am sharing deeply your pain dear MITRA. And many thanks to you that you presented to me your dear and lovely mom Gohartaj. Now, you teached to me; existence of the elegant and wise womans that I searched for. May be I will maybe not. Be sure after that I say a "FATIHA" for the soul of your mom Gohartaj before placing my head to pillow. Whenever you want to talk about your mom you can write a letter to Have a nice weekend to you, tou your dead and to your family
My dear Bill, Hi my friend. I can't thank you enough for your kind words...they are so comforting. I still can't stop crying when I speak of my mother or mention her name. It is not easy to lose someone so important in life. Today is my dad's 80th birthday and this is the first time we don't have my mom present in person with us. Day in and day out I ask God for patience in this grea loss.
Bill, I am so sorry for your loss too. I know how hard it is to lose a spouse...I can see it through my dad's eyes. May God bless your wife's soul too and who knows may be she already has met my mother too in heaven. Please accept my sincere condolences.
May God be with you and yours, Bill. Thank you my friend for your stop and prayers.
Hi Mitra, What a beautiful ulogy (sp) for your mother. I can see that you loved her very much. They have grave markers like hers at the cemetary where my wife is buried. I feel almost like I knew your mom after reading that beautiful prayer. God Bless her. BILL NAGY
Dear Mitra, I am so very sorry because of your loss and I just know how do you feel my sweetie ... it is hard for us who are left behind, but one day you would see her again as you wish and she is always deep in your heart and in your thoughts and your soul ... and she can feel that, I am sure ... stay beautiful as you are and that is what your dear mother exactly wants now from you !!! May Good bless You and Your family dear Mitra ! Warm hug Srna
On behalf of my dad and myself I sincerely thank you so much for your kind words in these difficult times that my family and I are going through from the loss of my kind and great mom. It is so healing to hear from people like you...from my mother land, Iran where I was born and raised among the good people of Iran.
May God bless you and your family and May God bless our mother land the beautiful, ancient Iran and the great, kind and brave people of Iran.
سلام ميترا من خيلي متاسف شدم خبر فوت مادرتان را شنيدم من از راه دور به شما و پدرتان تسليت عرض مينمايم اميد وارم غم آخرتان باشد من تشكر مي كنم از شما كه عكسهاي مرا مي بينمد و چون زبان من خوب نيست نمي توانم جواب شمارا بدهم و روي عكسهاينان نقد بنويسم شما به زبان فارسي مسلت هستيد كه من برايتان يادداشت بگذارم شما مي توانيد انگليسي بنويسيد دوستان من برايم ترجمه ميكنند متشكرم
Hi Jahangir. BTW my uncle's name is Jahangir too :). Thank you for your kind words. I have a lots of good things to say about my mother and what you read here is just a scratch on the surface. I can write a book about her wisdom, character, humanity, compassion and beautiful life that she led and the sacrifices that she made. She was a great human being in its true meaning.
Thank you again! May God bless you and your family.
I am so very sorry for your loss Maryanne. I guess I know how you feel too. It is not easy and it is very hard for us who are left behind. I do have a lots beautiful memories of my mother. And the only thing that gives me peace is believing that someday I will see her again. Thanks again for your kind words and May God bless you and your family.
Hi mitra I love your mother and all of mothers in the world, Your picture and it’s title say all of things about your mother but I think you limited her with count some adjective. For explaining some things it’s better be silent.
Oh Mitra, you have written a lovely tribute to your wonderful mother. What you have written takes me back to the months after I lost my own mother, and I understand how you feel. You have my sympathy, and my thoughts and prayers. You were fortunate to have such a wonderful mother, and I'm sure she was proud to have raised such a loving and compassionate daughter.