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Second in Lifetime
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Image Title:  Second in Lifetime
Favorites: 2 
 By: Saad Salem  
  Copyright ©2009

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Photographer Saad Salem  Saad Salem {Karma:89003}
Project #56 Wildlife and Insects Camera Model DMC-LX3
Categories Macro
Film Format Digital RAW
Portfolio Homes Photos
Lens Carl Zeiss
Uploaded 7/10/2009 Film / Memory Type CF
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 481 Shutter 1/250
Favorites Aperture f/2.8
Critiques 27 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Mosul
State - 
Country - Iraq   Iraq
About Dear Riny ,this is the second butterfly that have visited my garden,I have posted the first one about one year ago,I hope you like this one..
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There are 27 Comments in 1 Pages
stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 7/11/2009
Inshaallah, my dear friend and Amen.....Ray


Saad Salem Saad Salem   {K:89003} 7/11/2009
Ray,Promise I will post one from my store especially for you,and promise I will bring one from my trip to Turkey especially for you,for now you have to know that you will go this trip with me,I will think whole the two weeks for which is the best to suit your taste say with me Inshaallah(by the will of God),and amen.
my best wishes.


stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 7/11/2009
Ah, my dear friend Saad, my first love is floral work and the beauty of nature.
Some time ago I received a few criticisms of how boring flower compositions were. I deleted a few of mine and since then I endeavour to touch on as many other subjects as I can. Going way back to my start in photography I was a landscaper but due to bad eyesight in the last handful of years I cannot easily compose competently. I do love land/seascapes because they are a part of nature. I try my hand at everything but I am far happier if the subject is close to me.

My dear Saad I do hope my long answer hasn't sent you off to sleep with boredom but as you now know I ALWAYS give full answers and meaningful critiques. Bless you my friend. My very best wishes to you as always.......Ray


Saad Salem Saad Salem   {K:89003} 7/11/2009
thank you my friend,
all the best wishes,


Saad Salem Saad Salem   {K:89003} 7/11/2009
thank you master of minimalism and fine abstracts,
my best wishes,


Saad Salem Saad Salem   {K:89003} 7/11/2009
thank you dear Ray,unless I know it is the preferred subject for Riny,I would never think of posting it,it was made especially for him,
and if you know yours ,I would do more than one for you my friend,


Saad Salem Saad Salem   {K:89003} 7/11/2009
thank you my dear Sarkar,
all the best,


Saad Salem Saad Salem   {K:89003} 7/11/2009
thank you so much Keith,
best wishes,


Saad Salem Saad Salem   {K:89003} 7/11/2009
I have done most of my macros using either Sigma 105 or Nikon 105,and have never used a tripod even for once,just try it and you will see how much simple it was,
my best wishes,


Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf   {K:61374} 7/11/2009
Excellent shot!
I like the butterflie's colors, especially the spotted wings ^^

Best wishes,


Malules Fernandez Malules Fernandez   {K:54810} 7/11/2009
Excellent macro, dear Saad!!
lovely colors..


Gerhard BuschEFIAP/AFIAP   {K:18382} 7/11/2009
That is actual a wonderful macro photography. Sincerely Gerhard


stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 7/11/2009
Amazing details in this excellent nature study my dear Saad especially those within the eye region. Beautiful natural tones, well done to you my good friend. I am so pleased to see that Riny got a lot of enjoyment from this. My very best wishes to you as always.......Ray


 Aungsita  Chatterjee Aungsita  Chatterjee   {K:19843} 7/11/2009
amezing capture dear saad............
hugs bubai.


Dan   TDFoto Dan  TDFoto   {K:8618} 7/11/2009
Nice macro... wonderful detail Saad. Cheers Dan:)


Keith  Growden Keith  Growden   {K:29240} 7/11/2009
Wowww. Great detail and colour Saad. Excellent. Cheers. Keith


txules                                . txules  .   {K:62768} 7/10/2009
love it spotted eye, really amazing, a great macro for a compact camera, I really feel very inferior when see macros taken with compact cameras, I never get something really good with my super canon 100 2.8. perhaps because i never use a tripod or just becasue I'm bad taken macros, who knows :(


Saad Salem Saad Salem   {K:89003} 7/10/2009
this is not love ,this is a passion Riny,
I promise ,I will never let one fly without being captured,just the new one and for you,
my best wishes,


Saad Salem Saad Salem   {K:89003} 7/10/2009
thank you Andrzej,
all the best,


Saad Salem Saad Salem   {K:89003} 7/10/2009
thank you so much Turi,
best wishes,


Saad Salem Saad Salem   {K:89003} 7/10/2009
thank you so much Sinem,
my best regards,


Saad Salem Saad Salem   {K:89003} 7/10/2009
you are very welcome dear Riny,I have done it especially for you,and you added a much more joy by accepting it this kind way.
my appreciations as well,


Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 7/10/2009
Every time I see a beautiful butterfly fluttering by, I instantly smile. Just watching that little creature brings joy to my heart...You made my evening dear Saad,Goodnight,riny



Andrzej B. Andrzej B.   {K:2244} 7/10/2009
Nice capture. Great details.


Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 7/10/2009

WOW Saad, (Pieris rapae) Family Pieridae
In Holland, there are generally 3 generations each year. Small White is creamy white with black tips to the forewings. Females also have two black spots in the center of the forewings. Its caterpillars can be a pest on cultivated cabbages, but it will readily lay eggs on wild members of the cabbage, as Garlic mustard . It hibernates as a pupa.
Wing length 21 to 27 millimetres
It is difficult to take photos, because they are very restless.
It is widespread across Europe, North Africa and Asia and has also been accidentally introduced to North America, Australia and New Zealand. 18 Feb 2009 ... What could bring more joy than a beautiful butterfly fluttering around your garden?! Flying to my favorites Saad,thank you,riny


Turi cg Turi cg   {K:27715} 7/10/2009
A perfect macro Saad


Sinem . Sinem .   {K:9180} 7/10/2009
yess this is really good saad. I add my fav.Finest one!! bests,sinem..




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