Bosnia Photo
{K:3088} 12/27/2011
Ima neshto u ovom tvom autoportretu!
Miodrag Stojanovic
{K:4477} 5/16/2010
Par portreta, a narocito ovaj su neverovatno dobri. Svetlo je jako kavalitetno, i objekat pravi. Da li ste ovde koristili nesto od rasvete. Srdacann pozdrav, i najiskrenije cestitke
Gurmeet Sapal
{K:691} 10/26/2009
Vu Khanh Truong
{K:670} 10/26/2009
Love it!
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 10/25/2009
an amazing shot-detail-mood adnan.. best wishes roby 7+
Megan McCluskey
{K:3762} 9/8/2009
The textures and colors of this photo are amazing. Well captured. Everything is perfect about it. regards, megan
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 9/8/2009
Idu ti ovi portreti od ruke. Svaka čast odličan portret. Pozdrav iz Sarajeva Nanda
mousa Jubran
{K:5780} 9/7/2009
Nice shot..7/7. Best wishes
Weston Dru
{K:3243} 9/5/2009
oh thank you marcus ! That was very generous comment ! That is almost the same how i look at this image !
Kallol Majumdar
{K:27691} 9/5/2009
Excellent portrait...very well done... Best wishes
Aungsita Chatterjee
{K:19843} 9/5/2009
Marcus Vianna
{K:4552} 9/5/2009
Fantastic picture of emotion, perfect in everything one of the best ones that I saw here since 2004. Sober color, balanced light, optimum wonderful clearness and of everything were that it obtained to catch in its picture the child who inhabits in this good man. My sincere congratulations for the beautiful shot… EXCELEEENT… 7+ Marcus vianna
marius dragastan
{K:1482} 9/4/2009
the philosophy of a lifetime gathered in this portrait. an enormous amount of emotion hypnotizes the viewer through your character`s eyes. superb touch of light. amazing work you`ve done here.
Vijay Kurhade
{K:10118} 9/4/2009
lovely portrait; such nice lighting take care
Arben Mallaki
{K:10761} 9/4/2009
Excellent portrait....i like it!!!