Chris CC
{K:1510} 9/21/2009
Thank you Kallol. Regards, Chris.
Chris CC
{K:1510} 9/21/2009
Thank you again Maurizio for your comment. Regards, Chris
Kallol Majumdar
{K:27691} 9/19/2009
Beautiful shot...very well done Best wishes
M. Bi
{K:3646} 9/18/2009
An excellent image! Beautiful idea and execution! Regards
Chris CC
{K:1510} 9/18/2009
Thank you my friend Saad. All my best wishes. Chris.
Chris CC
{K:1510} 9/18/2009
Hi Malules. Many thanks. Have a nice week-end. Ciao, Chris.
Chris CC
{K:1510} 9/18/2009
Hi there Luis. well, yesterday evening on a rainy day here in Zürich, I played with the externalflashes :-) I put the lemon on a glass table (on a white plastic board) and the external flash under the table's glass surface. then I used a flashmeter and shot from above. Glad you like it. Allmy best wishes, Chris.
luis pereira
{K:26013} 9/18/2009
There's light on the other side of the lemon and I'm confused how you got that done. Great shot.
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 9/18/2009
Excellent!! hugs, Malules
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 9/18/2009
beautiful and well done, Saad.
Chris CC
{K:1510} 9/18/2009
Thank you Mitra. Regards, Chris.
Chris CC
{K:1510} 9/18/2009
Thanks Jim :-) Regards, Chris
Mitra Nademi-Nassari
{K:28234} 9/18/2009
Very good indeed!
Jim Budrakey
{K:24393} 9/18/2009
Makes me pucker up just looking at it :-) Nice.