Tracy Kent
{K:270} 11/2/2009
thank you Nanda for your kind comment
Tracy Kent
{K:270} 11/2/2009
thank you Michele, you are right about the crop, the print i scanned from is on a larger scale (A4) with white border and the crop seems to work well like that but once scanned and border removed as above it doesnt work as well! thank you for your critique and compliment, both much appreciated
Tracy Kent
{K:270} 11/2/2009
thank you for your comment mine
Tracy Kent
{K:270} 11/2/2009
hi krishnendu, i think you are right that the overesposure sort of alters the mood, thank you!
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 11/1/2009
Very nice portrait. Best wishes Nanda
Michele Maiocchi
{K:685} 11/1/2009
nice the high key effect!! maybe too cropped...
derin deniz
{K:3544} 11/1/2009
very nice protrait work,regards,M
K r i s h n e n d u - The NoOne
{K:12059} 11/1/2009
I Like it too...though overexposed it has a different mood :) good one...