Nick Lagos
{K:2203} 3/25/2014
Very nice Barbara...lovely textures here
Kamran Bakhtiari
{K:24048} 3/8/2014
Great landscape shot,artistic!
Clay Boutin
{K:28722} 3/8/2014
Excellent picture and post work Barbara.
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 3/8/2014
Fine image and very fine mood.
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 3/8/2014
Wow congratulations Barbara on your awards and this superb picture.. nessa
{K:4349} 3/7/2014
Superb image..Congrats
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 3/7/2014
perfectly wondrfullest
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 3/7/2014
MAGNIFIC and favs image.. roby 7++++++++
Claudio Bonaccorsi
{K:2146} 3/7/2014
Fantastico elaborato, complimenti ... molto brava.
{K:61359} 3/7/2014
Wow it ooks like a painting!! An artistic work Barbara. Cheers