Clay Boutin
{K:28722} 6/8/2015
Very nice that this lady has a place for the cats to take cover when the weather isn't so pleasing and always can go for some food.
Salvador María Lozada
{K:69375} 6/7/2015
Warm congratulations, dear Mesut. Most worthy award. All the best,
Wieslaw Krajniak
{K:588} 6/7/2015
Przetłumacz tekst lub stronę internetową Wpisz tekst lub adres witryny albo przetłumacz dokument. Anuluj Czy chodziło Ci o: Mam duży problem z angielskim ale rozumiem. To wspaniałe i bezpieczne miejsce dla kotów. Bezdomne psy i koty są i były od zawsze. Większym problemem są bezdomni i głodujący ludzie nie tylko w Afryce ale i Azji Europie i w całym świecie. I have a big problem with English but I understand. It's a great and safe place for cats. I am very pleased that created the cat house. Homeless dogs and cats are and have always been. The bigger problem are homeless and starving people not only in Africa but Asia and Europe in Poland, .... worldwide.
Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf
{K:61374} 6/7/2015
I love this "cat house movement" in Turkey, I saw such also in Gaziantep around ZOO and other cities. When I was in Istanbul cats had always a place to eat and drink, and big sign of the general attitude is that they are mostly not afraid of people. Last time I photographed cat house around Fatih mosque, there were plenty of cats, I wish to see just more veterinary care in that particular place, I saw sick kittens; they were not hungry but this sickness can kill even well fed small kitties (Feline calicivirus).
Good that you mentioned sterilisation, it's very important and many people still don't get it, here too, although in some cities, especially Warsaw some vets do it for free.
And about the photo finally :) - it's nice documentation, and nice color of this cat palace :) I wish I can see cat around too ;))
I'm happy for people caring animals and paying attention on these creatures dependent on us. You can tell much about person by his/her way of treating animals.
My best, Ania
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 6/7/2015
A lovely composition
Nigel Watts.
{K:5243} 6/7/2015
Congratulations BIP award Photograph Nigel
Mesut Yılal
{K:7964} 6/7/2015
there are birds inside :)) and some hedgehodges...
Eligiusz Langner (ennio)
{K:3006} 6/7/2015
No dog, no cat?
Jill Bartlett
{K:8130} 6/7/2015
Great capture Mesut and very good about,The world would be a nicer place for all to live in, if more were like your neighbour and your good self. Best wishes.
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 6/7/2015
I like the story very much, well done.
wathah wer
{K:1781} 6/6/2015
wonderful capture Mesut the most beautiful thing here is the fantastic blue color of the "palace" beside the great story about this picture best regards