Nita M
{K:4986} 6/30/2003
Very well balanced quiet work.
Rawabi Al-Nuaimi
{K:15659} 6/30/2003
I agree with Olaf.. the picture is great.. but it's a bit washed out.. maybe you could try making the blue color a little deeper.. :) but over all very pretty picture.. regards, Rawabi...
Michal Wojciechowski
{K:1279} 6/30/2003
Dear James, sure it looks better - more crispy :) but original version reminds me that day. I usualy do levels/contrast corrections. I did it with above photo too but I decided to leave it as I saw it. I've got exactly the same - corrected version. Thanks for your opinion and work. rgds
James Pratt
{K:1567} 6/30/2003
Makes an interesting hi-key image too!

Rui Palha
{K:13624} 6/30/2003
I like the composition, Michal, I like the differences between left side, very quiet and with reflexes, and right side, very turbulent....as the life in our days. Best regards to you and...
James Pratt
{K:1567} 6/30/2003
The lack of contrast has quite a lot of charm in it's own way. Attached is a version with the levels 'corrected'. I am not at all sure it is an improvement. Maybe, maybe not.

Michal Wojciechowski
{K:1279} 6/30/2003
the sun was v. bright, but the day was foggy - I couldn't resist
Olaf Siebert
{K:288} 6/30/2003
As a Dutch I have to contribute:-) I like the composition but the light is a bit flat. It looks to me that the sunlight was quite direct. Nevertheless, a nice photo with a different view.