andrew vonbank
{K:2811} 7/9/2003
John, you may have gone beyond the 640 pixel limit in your pre-post original. If so, the posted image will look soft. Same thing happened to me. Hope this helps. -A
John Barclay
{K:3650} 7/8/2003
Thanks Herman, I alway do apply unsharp mask... This one really went soft upon compression for some reason...
Hermen Pen
{K:9168} 7/8/2003
A good idea to choose this framing... nice colours, too. I think the problem is not the jpeg compression, I don't see any artefacts. I think it's just the limited resolution, which blurs much of the detail... In such a case it can help sometimes to apply some unsharp masking in PS. It is not a cure-all but it can enhance the impression of detail. Still a nice image, though!
andrew vonbank
{K:2811} 7/8/2003
Beautiful morning colors, John. I really like your use of the extreme vertical format. Great work, man.
Ingrid Mathews
{K:7277} 7/8/2003
One has to look pat the poor scan and jpeging to see what a terrific image this is. I'm sure the original is a masterpiece. Beautiful job all-around! I love how the flower tones match those of the sky. Nicely seen and captured!
John Barclay
{K:3650} 7/8/2003
Man this looks terrible compared to the actual image and even to what it looks like in Photoshop... Sorry! Must be .jpeging and compression..
John Barclay
{K:3650} 7/8/2003
Man this looks terrible compared to the actual image and even to what it looks like in Photoshop... Sorry! Must be .jeging and compression..