Tommaso Di Falco
{K:23819} 9/10/2003
Wonderful eye and beautiful saturated red color... enjoy, Tommaso
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 9/4/2003
Hi Gerhard,this is an excellent shot,the red tone is splendid.Regards,Hakan.
H.W. Mueller
{K:3} 8/22/2003
Well, very nice - but have a look at http://www.muella7.com/hamburg/Hafen/tau%20und%20kette.htm I'm just living in Hamburg :-)) regards muella7
Marcio Cabral
{K:12496} 8/21/2003
Excellent comp Gerhard!! regards!!
Amancio Couto
{K:15720} 8/20/2003
I love details and colors like this one! Great shot Gerhard!
Snehendu Kar
{K:2427} 8/20/2003
Excellentb color & composition
Igor L.
{K:7432} 8/20/2003
Amazing colors and good composition!
Nando Mondino
{K:14261} 8/20/2003
Fantastic texture and beautiful colors!
Salvador Abreu
{K:731} 8/20/2003
Simplicity pays off! The color, textures and composition in this picture play very well. Ahem... the bolts on the left seem a little bit distracting and could well be cropped away [just a thought.] regards
Joksa Juoperi
{K:13473} 8/20/2003
Great capture. Nice composition, texture and colours. Regards, Joksa.
First Last
{K:6897} 8/20/2003
Beautiful composition. Fantastic colours! Very nice work.
Alex Uchôa
{K:18547} 8/20/2003
Very intersting detail, Gerhard. Like the rich colors, thanks to the very effective use of difuse light.
Ursula I Abresch
{K:6515} 8/20/2003
Strong composition, and the colours are very good. I like the little paint splotches on the rope. What does the title mean? I used to know some German, but I can't remember what that means. Regards, ~Ursula
Magdy Aly
{K:3686} 8/20/2003
lovely colours and composition
Jim McNitt
{K:11246} 8/20/2003
Shape, texture and lots of blood red paint! Eye-catching and smartly composed.