Sudhir K. Reddy
{K:7583} 12/22/2003
Interesting composition indeed, of the male Mallard duck & the expanse of blue foreground!
John Smithry
{K:292} 9/21/2003
I just love your shots! You do a great job of presenting the beauty of Minnesota in a fresh way. It would be great if you included information with your photos on lenses, shutter speed, apeture, etc, so that others can learn from you.
Amancio Couto
{K:15720} 8/20/2003
Amancio Couto
{K:15720} 8/20/2003
MAGNIFICENTT!...first, i think the object was a flyer!... FIRST PRIZE for this photo!...
John Charlton
{K:5595} 12/24/2002
Marc Gougenheim
{K:5398} 12/1/2002
This is just brilliant ! :-)) Really great usage of space... Made me smile quite a bit. Well done.
Chris Whaley
{K:3847} 10/31/2002
cool shot!...I'm surprised the duck is so detailed.
Jonathan Lloyd-Davies
{K:41} 10/29/2002
I love this photo! The duck is great against the blue, may I ask how you got the colours to come out so well? Great Shot!
Miles .
{K:896} 10/27/2002
Love it, the placement of the duck in the corner and the empty space ... but works well in this case Miles
al shaikh
{K:15790} 10/26/2002
Very fun shot jim.