Good framing of a classic perspective study showing a single vanishing point. For me, this is one of those eye catching images that has additional depth when it is studied. The dead center perspective vanishing point dominates the image. All of the construction (building elements) combine to emphasize this single point. In stark contrast to the symmetry of the building, the natural elements (flowers, vines, etc) are willy-nilly. The single red flower near the door is an additional focus. The obvious thing that comes to mind when I see this photo: What is behind that door that has this kind of introduction?
Technically, there are some minor changes that might add additional interest. These though may be beyond the limits that we as passing tourists can arrange. For example, some additional light towards the roof or even having the lights turned on (although I also like seeing the reflections in the lamps as you have them now). Light radiating out of the door would proclaim 'This is the final destination', while a much darker doorway would add mystery.
As shot, this is a story of a piece of architecture. Adding a trace of a person, a hint of a person vanising through the door, or wet foot prints on the path could widen and enrich the story told here.