Yes, Johana, I saw that shoot too, but I really miss the ship on it! (I think someone else told you as well) Hey! You don't be lazy for taking a great picture! :-P However... it had to be REALLY cold if a girl from Finland didn't dare to go out because of the weather! ;) Way to go! I hope to see more of your piccies soon!
Thanks for your comments! Here's another shot of the sea, with horizon in the upper third of the pic. Maybe you'll like it better. And I was lazy not to go outside to take photos, but it was just too cold... Regards, Johanna
Johana, I know rules are for being broken, but, you might try to situate the horizon not it the midle, but at one third of the picture. Sinze the sky is flat and not interesting at all, I would put the line of the horizon at the upper third, giving much more importance to the sea and giving more accent to its immensity. Next time, try to avoid shooting through a window too! It will help with the definition and the color saturation. I would like to take some pictures at North Sea too!! :-)