I thought about this image a while and assumed that you must have used a flash. Then I read the feedbacks and was confirmed. The image is beautiful. The girls and the background; everything works together. It might be a issue of personal taste...but on that image with the flash you make the subject stand out and you get a blury background. For me (and I speak for myself) it doesn't look right. I see kind of two images layered together. The girls are good exposed through the flash, very even but the background is an intermezzo of light and shadow. I think you loose a lot ot atmosphere when you use the flash in that situation. Just my 2 Cents and I admit I don't use flash at all anymore (my top of the line flash will hit ebay soon). Cheers! Carlheinz
Yes I have heard of that thing called a flash, as a matter of fact I used it on all of these shots. I used an SB28 in matrix ballanced fill flash, thats where the flash is set to ballance its output with the ambient light to have even lighting. These shots, and several others, I was experimenting with this because I had not done this in the past. On this shot and a few others I realize I should have used full flash but, this was a learning experience. Thanks for noticing and commenting, still have a lot to learn, which is why I post on this site, to learn from good photographers such as yourself. Thanks again, Jim Gamble