Walt McNeil
{K:2146} 12/27/2004
Thanks for your comments; I need to go back out and see what else is new (old destroyed).
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 12/27/2004
Great detail and colour in this one, Walt! Dave.
Walt McNeil
{K:2146} 12/26/2004
As I mentioned, there are several other structures in this immediate area, all in the same state of dis-repair. But it's on private property, with a chain across the drive.
I think I;ll have to go back and ask the owner if I could investigate; perhaps give him a copy of the picture. This one was the worst.
Walt McNeil
{K:2146} 12/26/2004
Thanksfor your comments, Greg. I know that mny of my images, sometimes, are not shot up close enough. so this is a constant struggle.
I think I had a good excuse this time though, I saw a "No Trespassing sign" so I only trespassed a little bit in order to get the shot.(Big Grin).
I would have liked to try other closer views, but was nervous about the sign. But perhaps later, with permission, I may try to get in closer or different abgles.
In the meantime, I'll keeep my eyes peeled for other shots of disappearing history.
Greg Urban
{K:224} 12/26/2004
Walt, nice shot of a disspearing relic.
Something I am guilty of is not going in close for the details. I would like to see some clost shots of details/textures on something like this.
Still, the contrast between nature, the structure itself being reclaimed and the obviously synthetic blue tarp is good. Very nice!
Patrick Ziegler
{K:21797} 12/26/2004
Walt, looks like kindling. Too bad they let it go. Tough shot with all the overgrowth. Great shot!
Walt McNeil
{K:2146} 12/26/2004
Thanks for your comments. I'm like you and think like you. Too many old structures that ae the history of our past, are disappearing right into the ground, to be gone forever.
I'm always keeping my eye open for old buildings, vehicles, and any thing that shows the abandonment of man, to the elements.
Kelly Anbach
{K:4375} 12/26/2004
I can't believe no one commented on this. Excellent capture and these old structures need to be captured before they become extinct! I have always loved doing rural shots. I love to shoot barns when I travel. Kelly