cihan kilic
{K:160} 3/7/2005
Veri nays $ut mehmet :)
Hocam renkleri ve isigi çok güzel kullaniyorsun. Seni burada görmek mutluluk verici...
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 2/16/2005
Beauty beyond description! this is fantastic!!
Talat Semih ONAL
{K:167} 2/15/2005
beatiful..very nice job.
André Bermak
{K:14443} 2/15/2005
Fantástica arte/composição!!!!!!Lindo modo e modelo!!!!!(add to fav......)
Luciana Gama
{K:1518} 2/15/2005
Wonderful, I love it...
ictenbey / Emrah ICTEN
{K:16316} 2/15/2005
ya sana daha ne denir ki bilmem :)
Bahadir k
{K:8825} 2/15/2005
gercekten harika ... portfolyonuzdaki makyaja verilen önem ve kompozisyonlardaki farklilik hemen dikkat cekiyor, tebrik ederim
Gertrud Gozner
{K:14222} 2/15/2005
fantastic portrait...
michelle k.
{K:16270} 2/15/2005
REALLY excellent. thanks for your email.... you'll hear from me again very soon.
Sammi Wells
{K:98} 2/15/2005
Great balance of light and shadow. Strong play of colour and negative space.
Ali Naghizadeh
{K:19600} 2/15/2005
CooL shot Mehmet !!! great colours and lighting !!! Best Possible Composition !!!
chantal heijnen
{K:979} 2/15/2005
Hi Mehmet, Very nice dynamic colourful portrait! Chantal
Anindya Maity
{K:7880} 2/15/2005
Interesting lighting and colour,very eye-catching.
Mahmoud Baha Sadri
{K:19634} 2/15/2005
eye catching!
Scott Whitelaw
{K:1434} 2/15/2005
Wow Mehmet stunning colours. Regards Scott
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 2/15/2005
wowwwwwww ,so Impressive portrait ,good lighting ,Excellent capture 7/7