pan g.
{K:16899} 9/30/2009
Hi Ayse, after almost 2 years i logged on my usefilm account. I see you dont post pictures here any more. Is it somewhere else where i can see your work? My email is p.giannakis@gmail.com, i would be happy to hear your news. Pan.
gun dogan
{K:292} 2/24/2006
Zorbanin basinda anlatilan kahvedir. ben resmi yanlardan biraz daha acardim. ama iyi calisma. atmosfer mevzuu yine. kutlarim.
Aykaan K
{K:13601} 2/7/2006
genelde insanlarimiz sicak davranirlar...
Ayşe Sanem Çolak
{K:4516} 2/7/2006
sagolun Aykaan. daha ne kahvelere girdim burada :) insanlarin aslinda amcalarin demeliyim çok nazik olduklarini söylemeliyim.
Aykaan K
{K:13601} 2/6/2006
heheheh nasil girdiniz bu kahveye... çok guzel bakmis ve yakalamissiniz içerdeki yasami....
Ferran Rial
{K:6670} 11/10/2005
Good B/W tones. I love these pictures with the antique look. Very well Ayse!!
Morc Piantedos
{K:21834} 10/19/2005
i like this photo very much! compls, marco
Stefan Rohner
{K:4200} 9/7/2005
inmteresting place
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 9/5/2005
Oh,Ayse. i realy like this shot, wnderful documentary one. bravo!
arda aydin
{K:1570} 8/26/2005
sadece biraz daha kontrast gerek diyorum cerceve mukemmel...
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 8/6/2005
Hi Ayse,
I like the supernatural subject... a sneak into every day's life in a region at least I don't know... fascinating stuff, like the nostalgic look.
best wishes, Thilo
kenan dikbiyik
{K:239} 8/5/2005
hocam selam,
öncelikle yorumun için teşekkürler ve tabiki bu çalışmanı bizimle paylaştığın içinde...farklı ve nitelikli..ellerinize sağlık..sevgilerimle kenan
karen clarke
{K:18893} 8/4/2005
I love how you have captured this scene. Sometimes I like to think its the little details that make an image interesting-such as getting a close up of the two old men on the left, or maybe the chairs lining the wall. But instead here is this "big picture" that includes all of these small details and yet isn't cluttered in any way. But no matter how much my eye wanders to such interesting things-it always lands back on the mirror on the wall. It seems to be dusty and old and when first seeing only the top of the image, I had mistaken it for a painting. The image in its entirety could also be a painting-perhaps something from Norman Rockwell. Anyway, well done, great selection for the main focal point~
Ayşe Sanem Çolak
{K:4516} 8/4/2005
ortam gercekten sakin ve ögle sicagina ragmen serindi. cok sagol Onur.
Ayşe Sanem Çolak
{K:4516} 8/4/2005
yes Jeanette it was an old cafe. thanks.
Ayşe Sanem Çolak
{K:4516} 8/4/2005
Hi Stefan, what you said is what i think while choosing my angle. thanks.
Ayşe Sanem Çolak
{K:4516} 8/4/2005
evet asagidaki masa alinmasa da olabilir. tesekkürler Serkan.
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 8/4/2005
Perfect project choosen here - excellent postrait of the men. Vintage feel into it, the room seems very old.
{K:487} 8/4/2005
böyle bir kare nasil bu kadar sönük kalmis buralarda anlamak güç...herseyiyle basarili...sorunsuza çok yakin bence...teknik özelliklerinin disinde dogu olmasi benim gözümde fotografin degerini katliyo tabi:))küçük bir tavsiye alt tarafin sinirlerini biraz daraltirsaniz olayin bütünselligi artacak gibi geldi...yine tebrikler...
Ezequiel Lozada
{K:17176} 8/3/2005
Well done. A vision of a Bar of Turkey. Superb. Yes, vary interesting. Ez
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 8/3/2005
I find this interesting because of how people and objects of interest are scattered around the central point of the image which is itself quite empty.
pan g.
{K:16899} 8/2/2005
I'm always fond of pictures which i call "cultural interest shots", maybe because i'm never good at taking them.It's a way of learning a nation's habits therefor they always work as an interesting document. Very nice tones too. Take care :)
Onur Özbakan
{K:16763} 8/2/2005
kahvenin duvarinda asili olanlardan hic farki yok gibi, eline saglik.. ortamin ruh halini cok iyi yansitan bir fotograf bu, tebrikler Ayse..
In Transit
{K:29432} 8/2/2005
You have caught the moment... and treated well!