Joćo F * Photography
{K:41945} 4/10/2006
Spasojevic escelent photograph fere my friend! joćo
Ahmed Samy
{K:242} 12/22/2005
excellent shot, I see it like people dancing
don blasingame
{K:3492} 10/20/2005
I like this composition. good structure with the wavy trunks and their reflections.
Hamed Noori
{K:6805} 9/30/2005
Very nice shot ...
osvaldo rima
{K:6862} 8/14/2005
Very good b&w work Compliments Ciao Os
Joshua Rainey
{K:5069} 8/14/2005
This is a really amazing picture Spasojevic. It has such great style to it. Thanks for the comments on my pics.
o spaske
{K:291} 8/11/2005
Thank you all for critiques and comments! It is a great pleasure to get yours attention!
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 8/10/2005
Interesting and splendid, just pity for resoloution and compressing that made it out of focus!
Alessandro Raso
{K:2239} 8/10/2005
ottima immagine per composizione e riflesso!!!!!
Renato Renato
{K:4759} 8/10/2005
ottimo riflesso e bel bianco e nero. ciao R
Hussam Abdul Nour
{K:3799} 8/10/2005
wonderful B&W photo the reflections is fantastic very well done ..
Michael J. Wagner
{K:5896} 8/10/2005
Love all the tones and reflections, superb!
Magnus Beierlein
{K:853} 8/10/2005
I think it's a great shot with the very sharp reflections in the water. I must say that the thin red framing is too much of a distraction though and I would replace the red with white.
jude .
{K:14625} 8/10/2005
Nicely captured reflections, Ognjen...well done.