boubekeur boukerma
{K:2623} 10/30/2005
Thank you John for your comment
boubekeur boukerma
{K:2623} 10/30/2005
You guessed, dear Paolo. Human Being are always looking after empty chairs to fill. Both concern : 1/ is it possible for him to look on his right and to see it and that's Platon 's cavern myth 2/ is it belonging to someone else and that's maybe the big human problem of sharing. Another one is maybe it's more confortable to be laid off on a ground under the shadow isn't it ?
Take Care
boubekeur boukerma
{K:2623} 10/30/2005
Thank you Karina.
boubekeur boukerma
{K:2623} 10/30/2005
Dear Yahya,
I really appreciate your kind comment.
boubekeur boukerma
{K:2623} 10/30/2005
Thank you Metani.
When I saw the configuration with this chair and this man, it was instantaneous...
boubekeur boukerma
{K:2623} 10/30/2005
Thank you Hamed
boubekeur boukerma
{K:2623} 10/30/2005
Hi Pan,
Thank you for your comment about this composition and hope to post more picture from Algeria since I travel more to this country.
Take Care
John K. Choy
{K:591} 10/28/2005
Alone ..... good work !!!
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 10/21/2005
an empty chair..and full hearth on the other side..i like this capture my friend. best regards PAOLO
Karina Brys
{K:16541} 10/21/2005
Nice compo.
Yahya El Hosafy
{K:8369} 10/21/2005
neat view. nice mid tones. very well composed. good job my friend.
metoni .
{K:24727} 10/21/2005
nice seen
Hamed Noori
{K:6805} 10/21/2005
Great shot ..
pan g.
{K:16899} 10/21/2005
Wonderfull composition!!!