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  Photography Forum: Photography Help Forum: 
  Q. Depth of Field Button

Asked by Amit Mishra    (K=81) on 4/23/2004 

Reading diff books and article i see that when u press DOF button the camera stops the aperture down.
Can anyone please explain this statement ?



Matej Maceas
 Matej Maceas  Donor  (K=24381) - Comment Date 4/23/2004
Many SLR camera lenses are usually open to their widest aperture when you're not shooting. So when you look through the viewfinder, you can see the image clearly (because a lot of light is coming in through the wide open lens) but you don't see the same depth of field as will be recorded on film because at the moment you shoot the aperture will change to whatever you've set it to. The DOF preview button tells the lens to temporarily change the aperture to the same size as you will shoot at, so that you can see in the viewfinder how the depth of field changes. You'll notice that the image in the viewfinder will become darker because less light is coming through the smaller aperture, and that some objects that were previously out of focus will become sharper.

 Amit Mishra   (K=81) - Comment Date 4/23/2004
Once again thanks Matej Maceas.
that was really good explanation.


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