I take a punt, although I have no experience with that camera...
You guess :)
Firstly, I think you have your "priorities" back to front. If you pick the shutter and it picks the aperture, that's Shutter Priority. If you set the aperture and it picks the shutter then that's Aperture Priority (which is what my Nikon FE does and I've always known that to be Aperture Priority Auto)
From the age of this camera, I guess it has full manual as well. Once you put it on B mode, metering probably no longer functions. You set an aperture and then (preferably using a cable release) hold the shutter open for as long as you've guessed/calculated.
There are ways you may be able to use the meter to help you decide an appropiate shutter speed like changing the meter speed to it's fastest (most sensitive) and metering your scene with the lens wide open (smallest f-stop, eg f1.4, etc) You then convert that to suit your actual film speed and aperture you want to use, and add a bit of time for reciprocity failue (look up what this means) to come up with a time. Then you might bracket exposures to cover your bases! If it's too dark, this method won't work because the meter is not sensitive enough and your baqck to making that guess! Experience comes into it then! :)