Photograph By Gene Zonis
Gene Z.
Photograph By vanessa shakesheff
vanessa s.
Photograph By Michael Busselle
Michael B.
Photograph By Bruce Morrison
Bruce M.
Photograph By Darryl  Barclay
Darryl  B.
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Barry W.
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Gene Z.
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Jan S.
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  Photography Forum: Photography Help Forum: 
  Q. Medium/Wide format

Asked by Mitch Gleason    (K=26) on 7/14/2005 
Ok so let me make things clear and first let you all know that I am new to photography.
I was just wondering what Medium/wide format camera's are used for. I noticed that they are used a lot for model photo shoots etc. What is the difference between a medium/wide format camera and a regular SLR camera besides the shape? Is the quality better? Should i think about investing in one or is My SLR good enough?
Thank for anyone that can provide me with more insight.


 Jeroen Wenting  Donor  (K=25317) - Comment Date 7/14/2005
The larger your film area gets, the more data you can record on it (same with CCDs).
So yes, the quality of the resulting image becomes better, enabling larger reproductions.

Of course this is for the same film emulsion and the same quality lens.

Whether you want an MF or LF camera depends on what you want to do with it.
For most people a 35mm SLR is plenty good enough, for a lot of others it's the best they can afford (as an MF system will cost several times as much).
For others still the slower operating speed and/or larger weight and bigger size of an MF system is a disadvantage.

Personally I'd like to have one for my landscapes but I simply can't afford the cost.

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