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  Photography Forum: Darkroom Techniques Forum: 
  Q. Metinol u, Rotkalium agfa
Ahmad Hasan
Asked by Ahmad Hasan    (K=4164) on 11/25/2007 
Please does anybody know about Metinol u I bought few sealed cans of it from a retired photogrpher , also a sealed bottle of Rotkalium agfa which i didnt know what is it exactly can any body help


 Shahbaz Parsipoiur   (K=0) - Comment Date 3/10/2009
hi Ahmad,

i hope this is not too late:

just got to this usefilm website and saw your question regarding Metinol after i was searching for the subject myself to see if it's still being produced by Afga or not. (been away from chemicals in photography for many years now! :-\)

anyway, i don't know about the other item, Rotkalium, you have asked about. (made a search on the internet about it, but everything was in German, which i can't read unfortunately!)

i remember Metinol very well though: it's one of the best (if not THE best) BW paper developers EVER!

if the cans you have are still usable and not too old and rotten, you can make the best use of this wonderful developer to print your BW negatives onto BW paper and then develop the paper in this developer.

the packages of Agfa Metinol i used to use about two to three decades ago did not need dilution with water after preparation but i'm not sure if the cans you have will be prepared as concentrated or not!? even if not, you may still be able to prepare them as concentrated (for keeping it for longer time) and then dilute it at will later of course if you are familiar with such procedures in the darkroom. you may as well however want to make sure if these cans of Metinol can be used and prepared that way before going on, for instance by reading the instructions that come with the package or search on the internet for more info.

anyway, enjoy Metinol as i miss working in a BW photographic darkroom so badly! :(

and i miss Afga Metinol for paper as well as Afga Rodinal for film!

Agfa's Rodinal is grainy, but i dare say it is the best-est of BW film developers by any standards!

in fact, to reveal one of my own professional (as well as hobbyist) secrets to you, do as follows if it can be done: use Ilford BW film (HP5 was my most favorite!) for exposure, which can be used for both push as well as 'pull' processing, and then develop it in Rodinal. then use Afga Brovira paper (or if you can still find it, use the Roland Rice paper, wonderful!) and develop that paper in Metinol.

if your material is not old / rotten and still in working condition, i guarantee you'll get some of the best pictures you have ever done in your entire life time!

if you need more help and info from me, contact me:

good luck with your Metinol cans! enjoy!!


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