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  Photography Forum: Darkroom Techniques Forum: 
  Q. quickier imaging software?

Asked by peter adison    (K=160) on 6/6/2004 


I have a question about imaging software and the rapidity of image editing. I see a photo operator working my images on a fuji frontier minilab in order to make prints on photo paper, and I was amased of how quick he adjusted every image, only with keyboard (without a mouse) and without open any "curves", Brigthnes/contrast/intensity", etc,
window. He worked 200 images in less than 20 minutes. For this amount of work, I should
spend an entire night (5-6 hours) and I mean there only basic operations for an image, such color chanel, curves, not sharpening or other omplicated steps.
I wonder if such a software/program is available for home computer users. I mean an image editing software who lets you operate an image only by keyboard shortcuts, without mouse. I hope my question is clear for you, and I hope you will give me an alternative to adobe photoshop, or corel photopaint, programs that I don`t know to
allow such operations.

Thank you very much,



 Gerhard Hoogterp   (K=4863) - Comment Date 6/6/2004
Without knowing the lab or smt. But.. First of all, that machine is build for just one job: Printing images. I doubt that the image as such is changed/ I guess it's more the parameters which control the printing process in which case what you see is him working on a big thumbnail. Not the same as your program which actually has to calculate the changes for a multi-megabyte file. And then even on your pc it's a matter of memory and cpu.

 Darie Petrov   (K=397) - Comment Date 12/4/2004
Those things are automated... just like "auto-exposure" on a film scanner.. they fix the levels and etc...and expose for an 18% grey...

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