sascha jonack
{K:19715} 1/11/2008
Your morning shots are really impressive. Excellent exposure and great contrast and tones. Congrats for the awards. Sascha
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 11/25/2007
What an excellent capture. Congratulations on the Best in Project aard. well deserved. You know, I hear poeple saying "oh, gosh, I'll have to photoshop out those jet contrails". I usually don't agree, and your photo is proof how they can add to a photo, as the jets above line up probably for NYC and curve like star trails. I like that.
Best wishes, Dave
{K:11377} 11/7/2007
Congratulations, NJ, this is a great deserved award! The flying bird adds magic to this excellent view!!!! All the best!!! Harry
Marta .
{K:2053} 10/15/2007
Gratuluje wyróżnienia...w pełni się z nim zgadzam :) Dorzuciłabym POD :)
pozdrawiam M.
Czeslav Gavinkovski
{K:6800} 10/14/2007
Great image of Niagara falls.Congrats for the BiP! Pozdro,Czeslaw.
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 10/2/2007
An amazing capture nj..congrats on the award you deserve it ..nessa
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 9/28/2007
Wowwwwwww... impactante! Merecido premio! Felicitaciones!!!
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 9/27/2007
Really beautiful and such nice colours and congrats for well deserved BIP!
{K:9563} 9/23/2007
oh, BIP
Congratulations! It well deserved that award.
I have to say.... WOW !!!
{K:9563} 9/23/2007
oh, you are back with such a stunning photo Worth to go there early morning. Great lights.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 9/19/2007
Stunning shot, Andrzej! Congratulations!:)
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 9/19/2007
Hi Andrzej. Congrats for the BIP for this lovely image of Niagra Falls! When you get some award and recognition for an image of one of the most photographed spots in the world, then you know that it is something really special! An exciting image, close to the edge and a great sunset. Great job Andrzej! Andre
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 9/18/2007
very nice capture, great light and a very nice composition
Khaled Mursi Hammoud
{K:54005} 9/18/2007
That's what I call a beautiful morning.... Beautiful sunrise tones ... congrats on the BIP, well deserved. Khaled.
Andrzej B.
{K:2244} 9/17/2007
First I have to congratulate you on well deserved award. Second, the picture is great. The colours are fantastic, and again it is exceptional shot of the falls. Regards. Tap
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 9/17/2007
WOOOOOOOOOWWWWW.. as usual for you and your shot, like the other have a great atmosphere and fantastic moment captured! right one again.. i agree with the BIp well deserved it! like the bird touch on the water-morning.. cheers ;) roby
{K:70138} 9/17/2007
Abso-freakin-lutely stunning !!!!!!!! I have been to Niagara twice, and can only dream of taking a shot like this.
Congrats on a fabulous image and a well-deserved BIP !!
Cheers ! Avi
tapas banerjee
{K:1711} 9/17/2007
Good shot!
Tom Gessner
{K:2030} 9/17/2007
very nice and superb shot - right time right place - perfect presentation
{K:61359} 9/17/2007
Wow superb!! And this is a well deserved BIP for such a nice composition. Congrats
Frederick von Chatter
{K:714} 9/17/2007
A well deserved award. With all sincere compliments!
Dario Stefani
{K:4938} 9/17/2007
Wow,impressive! congratulations! dario
{K:4486} 9/17/2007
This is truely wonderful. Congrats on the award. You really deserve it.
Marian Man
{K:80636} 9/17/2007
no words just admiration!!!!! congratulations for the more than well deserved award MArian
Pawel Kwasnicki
{K:9651} 9/17/2007
WOW, WOW, WOW! a to dopiero parada kolorów! świetna kompozycja! gratuluję BIPa! pozdrawiam, Paweł
gianna piano
{K:15530} 9/17/2007
wow! great! no words! gianna
Francesco Viola
{K:1} 9/17/2007
WOW. Congratulations
Stan Ciszek
{K:56854} 9/17/2007
Magnificent photo Andrzej, Well deserved BIP, Congratulations, Best wishes Stanislaw
Partha Pal
{K:11619} 9/17/2007
This awsomw shot.Everyting is going on here perfectly.Nice colour, excellent atmopshere and brilliant composition. 7++++++++++ Into my favs. partha
Marcelo Berraz
{K:12906} 9/17/2007
Excelente e impactante!!Bravo!!7++++++++M.
John Hatz
{K:156973} 9/17/2007
Absolutely great shot, amazing big water spray like fog and the sunlighting makes it even more impressive as it adds that warm orange color, beautiful fall shot Andrej, and with excellent quality too. best regards!