chantal heijnen
{K:979} 1/8/2006
Nice composition! Like it a lot! Chantal
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 1/6/2006
Nicely seen and comoposed. What an eye :)
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 12/21/2005
Paul, an award? You must be joking! Roger's not on the list for those... But thanks for the thought. I was rather proud of this one. Weird, huh?
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 12/21/2005
wow.. how did I miss this one...ok, it is easy since I miss a lot.. but this one is great.. nicely captured.. just looked at it again, excellent...this should get an award...
Stephen Morgan
{K:585} 12/16/2005
Wow, Roger, another excellent exposure! I love the deep black that surrounds the eye. It really sets the tone for the photo and the rest of the lighting. Another great photo from the man who actually USEs FILM.
Stephen Morgan
{K:585} 12/16/2005
Wow, Roger, another excellent exposure! I love the deep black that surrounds the eye. It really sets the tone for the photo and the rest of the lighting. Another great photo from the man who actually USEs FILM.
Stephen Morgan
{K:585} 12/16/2005
Wow, Roger, another excellent exposure! I love the deep black that surrounds the eye. It really sets the tone for the photo and the rest of the lighting. Another great photo from the man who actually USEs FILM.
Stephen Morgan
{K:585} 12/16/2005
Wow, Roger, another excellent exposure! I love the deep black that surrounds the eye. It really sets the tone for the photo and the rest of the lighting. Another great photo from the man who actually USEs FILM.
Tiger Lily
{K:10966} 12/11/2005
Very nice shot. I love the panoramic format, the colors and the clarity. The geometric shapes on the floor and the woman are great for the composition. The vertical letters on the upper corner add something to the image as well.
John Bohner
{K:8368} 12/11/2005
Very interesting Roger. I am always surprised when I log on to see what you have posted. What a strange and wonderful place you live in. John
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 12/10/2005
How fabulous ROger, to see it, as well as being a really great image. Great detail and colour, and I love all the patterns. I like the inclusion of someone in the composition too Margaret
Ian V
{K:1730} 12/10/2005
Wow Roger, very neat concept, love the lighting, and the framing of the subject. Gives you the feeling that we are never truly alone are we? great shot, nice detail, especially in the floor, you can pick up on all the intricate lines, as well as the green tint. nice work!
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 12/10/2005
There are so few of us from Japan, Tanaka San, and you are about the same age as me, I believe, so I will be interested to see your photos. And if you donate US$25 a year to Usefilm, you can have all the friends you want!
Yoshiyuki Tanaka
{K:13580} 12/10/2005
Great capture!Good that the lady is there, otherwise it would have looked like Big Brother!!!Thank you for having put me on your list of friends. I am limited to only 3 persons, unfortunately. Regards, YT