Ann Nida
{K:45248} 1/7/2006
I'm sorry Josep I should have translated this comment before I posted my last comment here. Will do so again now.
A very interesting effect you have achieved here Josep. Your technique has worked well to achieve something both pleasing to the eye and marketable. I could see this hanging on a wall in a nice seaside hotel room. The colours are nice and vivid and I like the subtle reflection. A very nice piece of photoart. Well done.
Thank you also for your kind words on my Christmas image self portrait.
Cheers - Ann :)
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 1/7/2006
A very interesting effect you have achieved here Josep. Your technique has worked well to achieve something both pleasing to the eye and marketable. I could see this hanging on a wall in a nice seaside hotel room. The colours are nice and vivid and I like the subtle reflection. A very nice piece of photoart. Well done.
Cheers - Ann :)
josep alsina
{K:19880} 1/7/2006
Amigo Claudio: Agracezco tu comentario sobre mi foto titulada "Lago Titicaca",...yo tambien he meditado tu crítica y creo que tienes toda la razón. La foto en sí no tiene nada de particular, lo único es que traté de hacer un experimento con el programa Photoshop, y el resultado, pues ya lo ves. Algún día subiré la foto original. Una vez mas agradezco tu comentario. Un cordial abrazo de Josep
Claudio Mejias
{K:4278} 1/7/2006
Hola Josep....sabes??, Como estas?...Bueno espero que bien. Mira, he estado largo rato mirando esta fotografía y la verdad es que no le encuentro nada, no me produce nada, quizas los procesos que utilizaste son demasiado gratuitos, y no le agregaron ni le quitaron nada a la foto original, la verdad no lo se, solo es un opinon y muy personal por lo demás y simpre sesgada por los gustos personales. Oye...te "deje" una fotografia de Valpo, ¿la viste?...espero que te guste.
Kathy Hillard
{K:25721} 1/4/2006
Nice piece of artwork, Josep! This could be hung on the wall of a cottage somewhere! I wish there was a translation available so that I could read your about. Kathy