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Voigtlander T101
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Image Title:  Voigtlander T101
Favorites: 0 
 By: Roger Williams  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Roger Williams  Roger Williams {Karma:86139}
Project N/A Camera Model Sharp Mobile Phone
Categories Others
Film Format Digital JPEG High
Portfolio Digital
Toy Camera
Lens 5.2mm F/2.8
Uploaded 2/28/2006 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 941 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 22 Rating
/ 2 Ratings
Location City -  Chiyoda-ku
State -  TOKYO
Country - Japan   Japan
About This manual rangefinder is one of my favourites. It was produced by Cosina, licensing the Voigtlander name, to commemorate 101 years from the design of the famous Heliar lens by the original Voigtlander company (this was in 2001). The Heliar lens on the T101 was rated by a US camera magazine the sharpest it had ever tested, including Zeiss and Leitz (Leica) lenses. Here, you see the T101 with my favourite 35mm F/3.5 lens, which is responsible for so many of my Usefilm pictures. This is a manual film camera with through-the-lens metering. The two round windows are for the separate rangefinder. I find this camera is a great conversation starter, especially when I use the trigger winder, a lever that fold down from under the camera and can be used for very fast sequences of photos (not as fast as a motor winder, but up to two or perhaps three a second!).
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There are 22 Comments in 1 Pages
Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 3/5/2006
Well, Marvellina, if you buy this camera (they're still on sale) and keep it long enough, you will eventually have an antique. I bought it new three years ago and will never, ever sell it. It might be hard to get used to if you have a digital automatic everything camera... but lots of fun. (I'm hooked on fun.)


George Black George Black   {K:102014} 3/4/2006
Beautiful and nostalgic. These were (are) superb instruments, that can be appreciated as objects of great art and craft as well as for their usefulness. Keep it up. These wonderful cameras deserve the care and attention.



cerebral marv cerebral marv   {K:217} 3/4/2006
I have always had this dream of collecting some antique cameras and stuff like that =)


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 3/4/2006
you definitely like your cameras... interesting one here for sure...


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 3/3/2006
Maybe you are confusing this with one of the early Leicas, Ray. It certainly looks a lot like them, although it adds the important advantage of TTL metering. This camera was first sold in 2001 and I bought it only three years ago! Kind of retro, I know.


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 3/2/2006
Hi, 130! Thanks for the thoughtful comment. Photography isn't really about equipment, you can even do surprisingly well with a mobile phone these days. But equipment is fun, too! I'm hooked on fun.


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 3/2/2006
Thanks, Jeanette. It's not so old, though. I got it NEW three years ago! However, I do intend to use it until it's old (provided I don't become too old myself). But as for wet and smelly darkrooms, I never want to go into one of those again... I'll take scanners, computers and ink-jet printers any day!


Rob Ernsting Rob Ernsting   {K:8899} 3/2/2006
Most interesting description. I can see you love for this camera.


1301307 60 1301307 60   {K:44058} 3/2/2006
Wow! I am out of words, I've forgotten the photo you've posted, I was enjoying reading your conversations about camers and lenses..
Hnads up! .. I've have nothing to say about equipments, I'll will just have to listen to you guys...
keep it up roger...! BTW good information and great illustration photo...


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 3/2/2006
Never sell it - is what i can say. Imagine to use a fine bW film one day with this camera and then develope it..... Nice old camera for sure.



stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 3/2/2006
Fabulous equipment Roger that I have used in my past. I am enjoying the 'chat' you guys engage in, the information in the 'about' and cursing my rashness in parting with some of my old equipment. Keep posting Roger...great series..Ray


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 3/2/2006
Yes, Gib. It's the Classic 35mm, a great lens. The F/3.5 (Heliar) is 50mm, a length I find difficult to use. The Heliar is superior, but a stop slower and with a narrower field of view. Now that my Bessaflex fever has cooled down and I've started taking the T101 around with me, I usually take both the 35mm and the 50mm (they're so small I can slip either in my pocket). I have two of these 35mm lenses, and sometimes use them together for stereo slides!


Bill Gibson   {K:2701} 3/1/2006
is that the CV 35mm f2.5 lens? not f3.5?


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 3/1/2006
John, that must be the digital back for the R, right? I am returning the 6 x 6 SLR because of too many problems, and may get something digital to replace it. It would make a more sensible workflow for my panorama processing, especially if I want to bracket exposures on a six- or eight-shot panorama. That is kind of expensive using film.


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 3/1/2006
George, if you want THIS particular camera, or perhaps the Bessa R (which has a built in finder with frames for 35/50/75 and 90mm including parallax correction), now out of production but available here and there--often as a set with the superb 35/2.5 Color Skopar lens--there are tremendous bargains to be had. Try The guy who runs that is a real straight shooter and you could buy with confidence from him through the mail (or visit, of course, if close enough). The quality of the later Bessa R2A is rather better, and it has TTL AE, and is still not a pricey camera. By the way, the trigger winder is an extra-cost option.


John Bohner   {K:8368} 3/1/2006
Roger - FYI I even though I am now the proud and happy owner of a Leica Digital Back, I have found its weakness and will keep my extra body for,
are you ready....FILM. I will have to find my image of what happens to old cameras here in my town. Later


John Bohner   {K:8368} 3/1/2006
Roger - FYI I even though I am now the proud and happy owner of a Leica Digital Back, I have found its weakness and will keep my extra body for,
are you ready....FILM. I will have to find my image of what happens to old cameras here in my town. Later


George Marks   {K:15437} 2/28/2006
Yes Roger, there are still a few of us diehards who still appreciate and use the old mechanical rangefinder cameras. I'm looking for a good model like this, but I just don't trust ebay as a source. I have to actually get the potenial purchase in my hands so I can evaluate it. For now I'll just have to settle for the Canon, Olympus and Minolta RF models in my collection.


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 2/28/2006
I have the 40mm F/2 Voigtlander, too, only I have the M42 mount version and use it on my Bessaflex. It is a lovely lens, probably MY favourite too. The Heliar 50/3.5 is also a wonderful lens but a little too long for my taste. I prefer wider.


Hisaya Rachi Hisaya Rachi   {K:1490} 2/28/2006
hi roger,
my favorate lenses are voigtlander 90mm,40mm.
for nikon F.



Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 2/28/2006
You mean you are actually interested in this stuff? That's surprising. Thanks for the encouragement! I have a whole series of unusual cameras and I will be adding more pictures of them over the coming weeks. The Heliar lens sold with this camera is a retractable lens, i.e., you can push it back into the camera when you are not using it, and must pull it out again when you do want to use it. At its smallest, it makes a very small camera you can put in a medium sized pocket!


Galal El Missary   {K:84569} 2/28/2006
Great information Dear Roger , Thanks for sharing , Best regards .





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