Diego M
{K:2668} 11/25/2006
mi piace come tieni sempre il soggetto alla tua "destra",... bella foto!
Mike Marcotte
{K:3948} 3/25/2006
That's a beautiful portrait. masterfully done.
Tom Nosella
{K:177} 3/23/2006
Spectacular portrait! With regards to the light tones in the background, i rather like those. It plays a nice contrast against her hat..I think of those were darker you'd lose that sharp edge of the hat. Well done!
giorgio ruffinengo
{K:10623} 3/21/2006
grazie caro Walter, faccio ogni tanto una capatina dove sono certo di trovare dei buongustai di fotografia ......ma soprattutto dei cari amici. giorgio
giorgio ruffinengo
{K:10623} 3/21/2006
grazie amico "vero". una foto scattata durante la Torino olimpica con l'intensità di questo volto che mi colpi' subito. un piacere condividere con persone come te questa sana passione. giorgio
giorgio ruffinengo
{K:10623} 3/21/2006
grazie amigos Gustavo. arrivederci a presto giorgio
giorgio ruffinengo
{K:10623} 3/21/2006
Thanks George I'm happy that you love this "intense" shot. Talk you soon GRAZIE giorgio
giorgio ruffinengo
{K:10623} 3/21/2006
hi Hugo, Ciao Ugo, come stai???? Thank you so much for your perfect comment. Me also love this picture. Talk you soon giorgio
George Black
{K:102014} 3/21/2006
This is really a superb portrait--strong and beautiful. The composition is excellent as it emphasizes the boldness of the interpretation and makes that great face even more compelling. I do agree with Hugo, however, about the blown-out high-light area. But I think you can remedy that and make this first-rate picture even stronger. All the best, --George
Walter Scarella
{K:19671} 3/21/2006
Ottima inquadratura, una definizione slpendida, perfetto il lavoro in B&W dai toni molto buoni. Un gran bel ritratto ! Complimenti...Ciao.....Walter
ventrix drogo
{K:65398} 3/21/2006
Molto bello il taglio e la scelta del bianco e nero, sembra apparire da dietro un angolo di muro.
Ciao, vecio.
enrico (ventrix)
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 3/21/2006
Hi Giorgio, Outstanding portrait. Love the stern look, as well as the extreme composition, allowing for a huge area of tones. A few thing,s though. I think the blown out part in the background is a bit of a pity, s well as the rather dark shadows cast by the hat; a bit more subtlety in the tonal range would IMO have a huge effect on the impact of this photo
Excellent focus, the way you captured the textures in the skin is just perfect.. Very good shot!
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 3/20/2006
Un excelente retrato, muy buenos los tonos y las texturas y el fondo con un perfecto desenfoque. Felicitaciones!
Matt Mitchel
{K:3149} 3/20/2006
Nice capture but I would have liked to see a little more on the right hand side of the subject.