Ian Hunter
{K:1673} 2/24/2005
I admire you for using such simple techniques and equipment and producing such an eye-catching image. The muslin creates some great softness and warmth in the tones; different to the sharp focus and clarity usually associated with floral shots. I'm quite keen to try a similar thing myself now. Thanks Michal!
RC. Dany
{K:64104} 6/24/2004
Beautiful work !!!!!!!
Amna Al Shamsi
{K:21795} 1/5/2004
Very beautiful...nice presentation and work.
atalay karacaorenli
{K:1557} 9/14/2003
so beautifuly.
Maja Gligoric
{K:13528} 8/29/2003
Beautiful work!
Mariusz Margas
{K:473} 7/7/2003
bardzo ladne
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 4/28/2003
che delicatezza! Un quadro!
Pascal Renoux
{K:4077} 4/25/2003
Ameet Mallapur
{K:1575} 4/22/2003
GP Merfeld
{K:14396} 4/13/2003
This really does have a fantastic painterly quality to it... Mysterious, yet soothing, beautifully composed, with just a wonderful overall atmosphere to it.. I too might be tempted to crop (or clone) that very top center highlight, but it certainly doesn't detract from the image as a whole.... Really exquisite... Terrific work, Michal.
Nita H
{K:548} 4/11/2003
This is absolutely beautiful, wonderful setup! Love it!
Miguel Lasa
{K:62} 3/15/2003
love it
John Charlton
{K:5595} 3/13/2003
Astounding. Just wish I had thought of it myself. I think I would have cropped out the highlight area at the top of the frame, but that's not going to keep me from adding this to my favourites. congratulations on a fantastic image!
Marília Ferraz
{K:-4756} 3/11/2003
Sorry, Michal, but I have to disagree: this is not just a linen veil and some tulips. This is a painting, a work that envolves creativity and knowledge. Marilia
Bobbie C.
{K:1425} 3/11/2003
Lovely! I can't wait to try something similar.
Fahredin Spahija
{K:98} 3/11/2003
Very nice photo, Michal. I like it, really! F.S.
Michal Wojciechowski
{K:1279} 3/11/2003
it's just a linen veil and tulips on windowsill
Kerri Turgeon
{K:208} 3/11/2003
This is lovely. Could you explain how you achieved the effect? Did you use muslin and backlight it? I would love to try the technique.
Michael Klemmer
{K:725} 3/11/2003
I agree with Don, it is captivating and very artistic.
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 3/11/2003
I really like this photo. This is something that would hang on the wall and not get tired of. Very well done. Don