Victoria Alexandra Murray
{K:1195} 7/13/2006
Thank you for your positive feedback. I like your version also. It is interesting. I have this in color also thus I think I will have to reexamine them side by side...take care!
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 7/12/2006
This is a good subject rendered rather well in B&W. At first I thought I was seeing mist through the trees but the 'about' cleared it up quite nicely.
The composition is actually quite good with the main focal point or strong trunk reflection delightfully off-center and giving dynamic tension to the overal piece.
I think a slight adjustment in contrast and midtones would add a great deal more impact (in my opinion) too! I'm not sure this works for the moody landscape project but would think it was perfect for the reflections project. In that case (and just for fun) I have to wonder if you considered flipping the image vertically?
Pretty cool shot . . . hope life is treating you better! I have attached an example of what I was saying for you.
Flipped and adjusted midtones example |
Victoria Alexandra Murray
{K:1195} 5/22/2006
Thank you Richard! I appreciate your feedback :)
Victoria Alexandra Murray
{K:1195} 5/22/2006
Thank you Richard! I appreciate your feedback :)
Richard DuCroix
{K:1142} 5/20/2006
i really like this pic..great shot...look forward to more!
Victoria Alexandra Murray
{K:1195} 5/3/2006
Thank you for your comments Alan. As an amatuer, it assists me in my own growth.
Victoria Alexandra Murray
{K:1195} 5/3/2006
Thank you Gustavo! As I admire your work emensely, I am appreciative of your comments.
Alan Orr
{K:9671} 5/2/2006
Interesting abstract, thick with growth.
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 5/2/2006
Interesante abstracto. Felicitaciones!