Mary Brown
{K:71879} 9/30/2006
You seem to have got it working okay for this. The colours are rich and vibrant and the detiails are crisp. The DOF is grand for this. Wishing yuou the best with your new business endevour. It's great that you can turn your hobby into a business. MAry
Ellen Smith
{K:14418} 7/13/2006
Wow Roger this is great, welcome to our side hehehe. I'm off to see the rest.
Ciprian Ilie
{K:13571} 6/30/2006
Hi Roger,
Lovely floral nice and sharp with great DOF, you've even got a bee in there for that little extra. Looking forward to seeing more shots from the new camera and best of luck with your new venture.
Regards, Ciprian
Yoshiyuki Tanaka
{K:13580} 6/26/2006
Roger, we thought you have given us up! Well, since you have armed yourself with such a precious camera we are looking forward to great things! This photo has the upper half very beautifully captured, with DoF and cripness and clarity! YT
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 6/26/2006
Not rich, Ray. This is an investment to start a new business. Having had two of my panoramas chosen as "panorama of the week" at an international panorama site, I have decided to go into business selling panoramas! But you are certainly right about these new beasties requiring a lot of study. Fortunately I am a fairly quick "study." I hope to become a professional very soon. ("Professional" equals "got paid for it.")
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 6/25/2006
Oh WOW Roger.....a D200!!! Wish I was rich:):):) I think you will find that getting the very best out of these supremely intelligent DSLRs takes a lot reading in the destruction book, a lot of patience and a great deal of experimentation.. It is a different set of rules to manual/film camera work.
I like this shot and as you knoe I am fairly passionate about floral photography. I love the colours and details in this one and the dof is perfect......It is good to see you back posting again after a little break from it all. My very best wishes to you my friend.......Ray
Joćo F * Photography
{K:41945} 6/25/2006
Very great in digital world dear Roger W. !! regards jo