Joćo Domingues
{K:638} 4/16/2003
Great photo.
Andrew Lahanas
{K:7062} 4/6/2003
The lighting, especially on the boy's face on the right is bright and powerful, which makes his eyes and facial expression stand out. I like the fact that only one child is clothed and facing the camera and the other is not. Something about their arrangement in the photo is pleasing.
Andy Eulass
{K:13435} 4/6/2003
Such a wonderful image Dana. The tones are perfect. The pole serves as such a great anchor for the overall image. This is excellent.
Dorothy Blum Cooper
{K:107} 4/6/2003
I agree with all the above statements...very strong image. Love the contrast and overall mood.
Roland Le Gall
{K:7018} 4/6/2003
I love everything... I love especially this division of the image in 2 parts, and the glances of different directions... Beautiful contrast... Full of humanity.. Bravo!
Elsa Mota Gomes
{K:1565} 4/6/2003
excelent composition
Rui Palha
{K:13624} 4/6/2003
Excellent and strong expressions.