"Especially regarding political correctness, well, if it goes so far that we don't call the devil by name, then it is useless to my understanding. To put it in other words, honesty is the best policy."
Well said, Nick! I wish more people would think like this.
Anyway. That's a great photo - wonderful composition and beautifully observed. Nice work! :)
Thank you very very mucch, Terry, for the nice comment and for the deep understanding of my intentions.
Especially regarding political correctness, well, if it goes so far that we don't call the devil by name, then it is useless to my understanding. To put it in other words, honesty is the best policy. Perhaps it is about time to re-learn that we can argue heavily on the matters, telling the truth, describing situations as they *are*, without assuming/using any personal offense?
As about getting rid of politics: Yes, yes, yes! The truth was never dependend of any politics at all.