A very wide angle shot of frozen rocks made visible by a stream created from the melting Auf eis. The ice wall here is only a couple feet tall and the rocks are small enough to fill the palm of your hand. To get this shot my camera was positioned about 2 inches above the water.
An extensive write up and numerous other photos from my recent trip can be seen on my web site if you're curious. Day 3 journal and photo entries have been recently added. Day 4 will be added by mid-week if all goes well.
http://www.jmg-galleries.com Thank you for your time and comments.
The first thing that struck me here, was not having a clear sense of scale. Not until I read your info that I realised those were small rocks in the foreground. You did well to capture the light cyan of the ice too, it looks spectacular. Great work Jim, I'm off to take a looksee at your gallery now...