Sum ob
{K:4665} 8/25/2006
Discussion on this image seems to be going far away and being diverted to different paths. My personal opinion is that you are not commenting on the photograph but commenting on a root you are created with your knowledge, experiences and attitudes.
I am also from a country who is suffering a lot from a terrorist problem (LTTE) so I am against all kinds of terrorism which has become a headache for whole world. By the meantime, I don’t deny the idea that US has done a big job in establishing terrorism in the earth to this degree.
Any how, I am also against the tropics both of you are suggesting. Because, if we value this photograph as an artistic component; we will have to focus on the composition and the impression it creates. The topic shouldn’t be too heavy for the art. This well-balanced photo doesn’t support victory of life or death. As Karina says important feature of the photo is the hands and the image of the girl which tempt us to think.. is this hands are of this girl who is very much loyal and ambitious for her objective. She is wearing a traditional dress and that gives extra gravity on her. So this is very much a artistic/ reporting photo, but I don’t see any ground to grab the discussion to whether its write or wrong type one. Photo itself doesn’t support such a discussion, but full of impressions to think of.
So my personal idea is Your Topic is so harmful for the artistic product you have come with while Daniels one is not with any difference.
While journalists report and people decide, artists should broaden the viewer mind.. and I expect it from photographers.
Artistry friends!
Mohammed Alshaikh
{K:346} 8/16/2006
Dear Daniel, I'm really feeling sorry for you, and again believe me this is your nature, you gave your self all the right to insult people ( the master of death )and you consider this as an opinion (as usual), Ok I agreed this is your opinion and I respect that ( always we have to respect ), but when I show my opinion about your country behavior, you consider that as an (insult) and I should be fired (nature)....you find your self you are only the one who should specify between (the insult) and (the opinion) and we are only a (Slave) oooch .......we are not going far....your country gave them self all the rights to beats (men, women, children) under different excuses (nature).....but when we resist (in your mentality this is not our right) the occupation and enslavement,then we will be a Terrorists (consumed)... believe me my friend this is your nature......
I will not discuss with you what Hezbollah did for your (defeated israel occupation force), because I told you we are celebrating.......I agreed with you Iseral by help from you country could have kill every one in the World....(Nature)...combination between (united State of Bloodsuckers) and (State of Devils) equal ...DEATH..
I like Hezbollah, I will remain supporting them until end of my life (may be your missile)...because they give us the honor, and the lost peace, and this is my NATURE....
Daniel S. Garcia
{K:13946} 8/16/2006
I feel sorry for you, your children and your people. You have so much hate inside of you. I only mentioned my opinion of your image and we exchanged a little of our political views. I have yet to call you or your people names (insult) as you have (bloodsuckers, suck the blood under title of (Freedom), they gave the killers a name of (peace keepers) and Cowboys).
You them must wonder why the people of our cultures have a hard time talking. Is this why you like Hezbollah who has run out of words and must kill all who oppose them (men, women, children, Muslim, Christian. Jew)? How sad and what a weak mind to fall for all that propaganda that Hezbollah is feeding you.
I do not suck the blood for my freedom. If we do not like something we vote it out! You my fellow human (sadly) feel that the killing of innocence is the only way to get your point across. With Israeli (what you call… the “state of Devils”) fire power if they wanted they could have killed every one in Lebanon and yet they did not. Hezbollah will never show that kind of honor.
Your people will never prosper with organizations like Hezbollah around.
I hope that one day your people can look at other people who are different with the same love you have for photography. Then we will all be free!
I’m sorry, but this will be my last comment on this subject with you.
Mohammed Alshaikh
{K:346} 8/16/2006
Dear Daniel, I understand your mentality, as I said it is natural, you grow up in a sourrounding where they are teaching people how to suck the blood under title of (Freedom), and they gave the killers a name of (peace keepers ) and never heared in my life that some body killing people to save their life, any way I don't care if you are aware why these 241 US (Cowboys)are killed in Lebanon and what was exactly their mission, you have to ask your hero president....
Regarding Hezbollah, established in 1983 after israel invasion of lebanon, they keep fighting and resisting for 17 years until thier country got liberation, they never made a missile that used to attack your country but rather than that, 26 years lebanon are under fired by a missile which made by USA, So who is the Terrorist.
I know that it is very hard to see these people victorious, because you feel 26 years of killing people and suck their blood was useless, Still this people are resisting the ( state of Devils ).
My friend, we want the peace, just stop sending your missile over our child heads and you can see we are not that different.
Peace Friends.....
Jon O'Brien
{K:11321} 8/15/2006
Hundreds killed and south Lebanon laid waste for what? So that Hezbollah can claim "victory" and increase its power base. Hardly the first and certainly not the last time that a cynical power grab was dressed up in religious clothes and carried a banner reading "peace and freedom".
Ah well... "Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose."
Nice picture, though.
Daniel S. Garcia
{K:13946} 8/15/2006
To Ahmad and Mohammed,
I also do not want to make this in any way a political argument! I only gave my opinion on the title of this image. Of which I disagreed with. But you my fellow photographers made a few statements. So please let me respond.
History has shown that this group Hezbollah only took the place of the PLO in southern Lebanon. But continued its tactics of terror. It bombed the US barracks and killed 241 US peace keepers whose only mission was to keep the population of Lebanon safe. It has also kidnapped American, British and French citizens in the mid-1980s. This is only a little of what it has done.
I understand that the people of southern Lebanon may look at them differently as they have provided $$ for schools, hospitals and so on and their for their investment voted for them to now not only be a terrorist group but also part of the government of Lebanon just as Hammas was voted in by the Palestinians.
You like to say things about me being blinded by ignoring the hundreds of children who were killed by bomb made in my country and (unintentionally) supported the brutality with our taxes! In that case my friends your hands are also stained in blood of the children for (unintentionally) looking the other way as Katusha rockets are imported into Lebanon by people/governments that care nothing for Arab/world peace. You want peace in the world? Don’t make these groups out to be heroes but the murderers of not only westerners but Arabs as well!
My eyes are not that blinded I would look within for that blindness. You can add air freshener to something that stinks but the root cause will always stink!
You can roam my country with complete freedom, safety and be embraced by our population and your religion respected……. Would I or any other westerner be granted that same respect in Lebanon with Hezbollah in charge of the government? You want change? Then end the hate and support of those who would do harm to someone who’s only crime in the eyes of the terrorist is to not believe as they do.
I only wish we could all meet and go and take some pictures together so you can see that we are not that different.
Peace Brothers!
Ahmad Hasan
{K:4164} 8/15/2006
I know this is not the best place for political argument but so sorry that some people are blinding their eyes and ignoring hundreds of children who were killed by bombs and rockets which were made in their countries and maybe they participated (unintentionaly)in supporting such brutality by their taxes
Mohammed Alshaikh
{K:346} 8/15/2006
Hi Karina.....I'm glad to see your comments here.....thanxxxx alot..
Karina Brys
{K:16541} 8/15/2006
A speaking expression and her hand in front of the hands on the poster is interesting. Good journalism.
Mohammed Alshaikh
{K:346} 8/15/2006
Raeid, Maurizio Massetti, Sumedha Obeysekera, Leonardo Régnier, Daniel Schmidtka and Mohsen, thanks alot for all of you, for a visit and comments.... Dear Daniel, I know why you consider him as a master of death, it is natural and clear to every body, you are from USA, where the source of bloodsuckers, and by the way, I invite you for big celebration in lebanon and for you this is a good opportunity to take photograph.:):):)
Mohsen Bayramnejad
{K:21377} 8/15/2006
Great journalism...and with very good composition!
Daniel S. Garcia
{K:13946} 8/15/2006
A beautifuly captured journalism image.
Other than that I do not feel he is "the master of victory" but rather the master of death.
Leo Régnier Я£
{K:67696} 8/15/2006
I'm with you!!! Great picture my friend!!! Leo
Sum ob
{K:4665} 8/15/2006
This is a very good photograph. Optimum composition taken very timely. A clever and realistic capture.
Maurizio Massetti
{K:30463} 8/14/2006
Great example of journalism scene and street shot here, natural expression of the woman.
Raeid Allhyani
{K:1226} 8/14/2006
Hi Mohammad
god work my frind..